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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Yes you can take the course if you already have your license. They will not revoke your license.
  2. I took the beginner's calss last year, I might look into the advanced class this year. Suprisingly this was really fun.
  3. Cdubyah

    360 Live ????

    Through the USB yes, has to be Microsoft. Through the Ehternet, can be anything. I would suggest a I wireless bridge.
  4. That was awesome. However the rules of partying were broken! He had his shoes off.
  5. Cdubyah

    Ice sucks.

    I was sliding this morning as well. Not as bad as last night, but there are still some dandy spots.
  6. Cdubyah

    Bah Humbug

    I love how Giselle is checking outt her own boobs. I bout lost my cool last night picking up my last gift. Woman was being extremely rude to the worker and generally being a bitch. When I turned to leave I almost ran into her. I apologized, and gave a Merry Christmas. In return I got a very sarcastic "Excuse ME SIR." I bout ripped her face off an wore it as a hat! But I managed to smile, and continue walking.
  7. I tried L4D and really didn't enjoy it to much. I need to get back to Forza as well. It just get aggrevating after a while.
  8. I love Ren & Stimpy!!Happy Birthday
  9. I thought I saw you jump online last night??? Have fun with Left 4 Dead. Here's hoping you're not playing with morons.
  10. Got plenty of that. All ya gotta do is ask. Who needs to hide?!?! I wear bright yellow!!!
  11. We have a DD???? Nothing like the smell of fertilized eggs in the morning!
  12. Hmm...wait until winter is over and play outside? Or play an indoor field during the winter?
  13. I guess it depends on what the relationship means to you. If you are not ready for the next step then say that. It will eventually come back to bite you in the ass if you don't mention it.
  14. There was a suit marked down $200 I'm thinking. As of last Wednesday.
  15. Cdubyah

    Guns and Deer

    Get yourself some ankle traps. Gotta love the arrogant! We have folks from the north down here that could give a shit les about the rules. It's really irritating.
  16. Don't make fun of me cuz I'm slow!
  17. Ha, you should roll up with all of your gear, for someone's bachelor party, and realize once you get there they are closed. I didn't make the plans, I was just there to shoot people.
  18. Oh so tempting.....I just bought a new marker last winter, so I can really justify another upgrade. However I will compliment you on the marker and barrel set. very nice. Anyone looking for an upgrade this is a schweet deal!!! Good luck with the sale Schmuck!
  19. Direct TV. only thing I don't like is having to buy more boxes for more TV's. Granted you would have to do the same with digital cable. Internet is road runner through Time Warner. Really don't have a problem with them either.
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