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Status Updates posted by g35tonv

  1. bike night this Wed Bret

  2. bret does your bike have a fuel gauge?

  3. dang, well ill see ya when you get back man. Have a good one. I'm leaving to Cali this weekend so i prob wont see ya again before you leave.

  4. haha yea i stuffed everything in my backpack that i was carrying around with me that day.

  5. haha yes it is nice to enjoy the same thing.

  6. hey sup! oh i remember seeing your bike haha. It was my first time there. Im definetly going back!

  7. how is the halloween party down there i had some buddies go down to natti last night.

  8. I left the country for a month and just got back mid Jan. Hibernating still since its still cold here. I am leaving next week to Cali. I hate this weather! lol

  9. i will be there.

  10. its going to be warm this weekend!

  11. me and my girlfriend went out riding on Sunday. This was her first day out in the streets, she has been riding around our neighborhood a few times now and she did pretty good. Here is a picture from MySpace.


  12. Me and Seyla went out riding on Sunday. This was her first day out on the street. Other times was just in the neighborhood.


  13. not much i have been hibernating heh. You?

  14. not much im hibernating lol. Cant wait until it gets warm again...

  15. sup bret how you doin

  16. Sup man i knew it was you but wasnt sure. I had to text Cham to ask if you got a new bike or something lol. This is Dal with the red G35..

  17. sup nice meeting you again at dyno day.

  18. sup nice meeting you guys again at dyno day.

  19. there you go..i requested.

  20. we should go riding this weekend Bret!

  21. Wendi said that we were meeting up doing something. Not sure lol oh well hehe.

  22. what are you doing this weekend? Lets go out riding heh.

  23. whats going on this pm!?

  24. yea i got off when i was following you guys on 270. heh

  25. yea just let me know ill tell them. I'll get Rusty online sometime this week.. Randy is a little hard to get a hold of.. lol

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