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Posts posted by EricKerecz

  1. Well, in the long run I plan on going to the track but that won't be for at least another year or so. I don't plan on being a professional racer or anything, I mainly am just looking for the sound right now. Either way, I know that getting a pipe isn't the best move performance-wise, and when I do get my next bike, the first thing I plan on upgrading will be the suspension. I don't want to spend 1600$ on a shock absorber right now when all I'll be doing is riding the streets.

  2. Cause I have a little bit of extra money to waste after replacing what needed replaced. I don't want to spend all of my money on a full exhaust right now so I'll hold off on that until later. 200$ isn't a lot of money

    **Paid off college loans for the year already and I want to have enough in the bank to live on for the summer since you asked :)

    I was going to buy the full exhaust but they don't have one for the 600, only the 1000

  3. Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted on here because college is keeping me strapped down.

    Anyway, some drunk bumped my bike toward the end of summer and the payout was 3300$. I plan on getting a slip on and thunderline was looking pretty nice and reasonably priced at 205$ on sale.

    Which power commander should I get and how should I go about remapping when I get both?


  4. Hello, hello! Moving to Pittsburgh this Sunday for college, and I wanted to say goodbye to everyone that I have met over the past few years.

    I'll be back in Ohio during the summer for lots of riding-hopefully track time now that I have a full race suit!.

    Anyway, I am glad that I met you all; I learned a lot from you guys.. Todd, Udell, etc. etc.

    Anyway, see ya!

  5. 2005 cbr600rr

    Occasionally idles roughly, bouncing up and down between 1300 and roughly 1600 rpms when in neutral. I used fuel injector cleaner and have gone through almost 2 tanks of gas. It seems to be going away slightly and sometimes runs perfectly. Just curious about what else it could possibly be other than dirty fuel injectors.

  6. where the heck have you been? i havent seen you post in like a year since the lat ride we did through millersberg

    I went riding with everyone last week in coshocton, it was pretty sick..

    but other than that just back and forth between here and pittsburgh.. quit my job in may and doing random shit to make money and work on the bike :p

  7. Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.



    so much easier to take advice than to figure it out on your own sometimes but there could be a difference in quality from self discovery..unfortunately self discovery on a motorcycle could end in an accident lol

  8. +1 on that

    +2 on that

    I was cooking through the corners...right behind the first group. I kept checking my mirrors for Eric ...especially after I took a few corners that I knew were trouble for anyone at speed. All of a sudden...there's no traffic. No bikes...no nothing behind me. I had just went around that car/whatever...and all I kept thinking was...uh oh. You know that feeling when you know 'something' is wrong...but you don't know what it is yet?

    So I'm sitting in the road..slowing down ..PRAYING for Eric or ANY bike to come behind me. Nothing. I look ahead and the insanely fast group has left me. I turn the bike around and ride up back..and I'm like Ohhhh fuck. Someone went down. Luckily everyone was on 2 feet..except a certain someone....but we fixed that with a power bar. LOL

    lolol at that power bar... heat+ empty stomach = death!

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