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Status Updates posted by madcat6183

  1. Just got your post, sorry I do not ride on the street anymore, only on the track. I sold my street bike about 6 months ago or I would love to. Ride safe.

  2. Sry man I ll be at Eldora for the races. Wish I could!

  3. Hey man was wondering if you were around tonight and looking to mount any tires? Thanks John 419-610-5666

  4. Hey man u around tonight by chance? I got front and rear tires I need mounted :) Thanks~!

    419-610-5666 John

  5. Thinking brakes, lines, and tires Sunday? Would you be able to help? We could do them early in the day then ride all afternoon? Or vise versa? I have tread left for anything except I would like to get them done prior to a Hocking ride.

    Actually I am around Sat. too IF things get rained out for the Ride On...

  6. Ha sry man havent run in a while, new rubbers istitng to install tho.

  7. Brian,

    Im Mike/Anandas friend with the RC51 you tuned earlier this season. ANyways, i just picked up an F250 05 with the 6.0 and need to get it tuned realllllllly bad it has some serious issues with what I think is the fuel map 1-3 gears, and right at 2800rpms when the turbo is spooling. It had an intake but then I added a full 4in exhaust so Im guessing there are some back pressure issues with the turbo blah blah.

    419-610-5666. I work tuesday night, but I am open tomorrow night and wednesday night. Im gettng a lift installed Thursady so Id really like to get this done before that. If not, next SUnday evening is open as well, after work. Thanks

  8. Dude I would be so on that if it was about 2 months later. That is sick, and black, yummmmy.

    FML seriouslly.

  9. Im out of town thursday 6pm til SUnday 5pm, but my mom or my roomie will be here. I wont be available by cell often, best bet is to call before 6pm thursday or I ll return the message when I get out of class etc. But ya I have one. Im about 20 mins from ya.

  10. Hey there, been a little while(sorry) but I ll have my bike back hopefully in 1-2 weeks after my body work is done. So lets all set something up soon, Ananda, you, Whitey, etc. ya know. :)

  11. Thanks bro, bujt ur stand came through in the clutch lol. Just took some ghetto rigging of my old one. And dude dont apologize, you are the man helping me out like that bro.

    Thanks and trust me, CLIPONS ARE THE SHIT!

  12. Dude my fucking rear stand doesnt work with the front yoke... Naturally lol. My stand lets the rear bike move when lifted cuz the tires are touching so fuck me sideways. Tomo I get out of work like 30-45 early so Im going to Iron Pony and picking up a nice rear. I told the kid doing my body work Id sell him/give him my old rear anyways so wtf lol Thanks again mang!

  13. Youre fucking damn right you are. Glad to hear mang. I might actually ride thursday, I was gonna hit it today but man I need to hit the gym too much, actually Im not riding thursday either, I ll prep the bike that night and hit the gym.

    Good stuff bro.

  14. Happen to have an extra oil filter around? I have oil and everything off drained etc. but they sold me the wrong Fing filter... Or where do you pick urs up at? Think MSP has one if I hit them at lunch tomo?

  15. All I was a red X ??

  16. Nah bro, Im gonna ride tomo 188 and thursday too. I have mid ohio mon/tues, so Im gonna hits that tomorrow. U in for thursday?

  17. Tonight I cant do, tomo and thursday I am though 100%.

  18. Ok tonight may not happen, but it might. I just have to see whats up, work is a lil crazy.

  19. Sorry bro, I had my cell die on me last week too, more or less, but ya Im riding ab it more. Might hit some back roads today tomo and thurs. I have 2 trackdays monday and tuesday at midohio and just got my GP shift installed lastnight, need practice. I ll hit ya if i make it out tonight.

  20. Sup dude, finally got a new fender elim on the bike, along with the GP shift, you been riding the twisties lately? Im hitting them every night this week prepping for the track mon/tues. Get at me if you wanna join.

  21. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1211307312.html Thats the one I was going to buy in Cleveland, dude is kinda ghetto though, BUT bike is legit, the "rash" is minor as shit, I have pics on my PC and work PC. BUT dont tell him I sent ya, I stood him up and didnt call til that friday before I was supposed to get the bike lol.
  22. Planning on it man. Dude you know you are always welcome, esp. cuz I can pick tips from your riding man. Ill PM you during the day tomo if we are still on. It is a go as of tonight.

  23. Haha, no worries, hopefully you got out today some, and hopefully you ll get that new bolt asap! Dont want the seat to fly off! Sorry I was kinda tired lastnight, I had been up for almost 24 hrs straight :)

  24. Hey man, http://www.minusonefender.com/id155.htm ? Was you think? I kinda like how it relocated the stock brake lights and uses 1/2 of them, not to mention it looks pretty slick.

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