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Posts posted by cgrubbe

  1. Here is the problem with our current health.

    My son has asthma, lots of kids have it. We understand it, we know most of the triggers and we can treat him.

    We were at camp with my son in July and the campfire started an asthma attack. Well we did our routine to deal with it. It didn't work and we ended up in the ER at Childrens Hospital. We were their for 4 hours and they straightened him out. He had 3 breathing treatments. They sent us home.

    Well to day I got the bill. it is $1799.93 after the insurance company paid their portion. I say Bull shit. I pay $500 a month for family coverage and that doesn't include dental and optical because they are extra and separate.

    I opened the bill and was immediately pissed beyond speaking. I call the wonderful folks at Humana who told me yep thats the deal. I had hit the out of pocket hole in my coverage.

    Great, I have about 5 days to pay it before childrens sic the collection agencys on me. For those who haven't experienced it Childrens hospital wants their money now. They misbilled my insurance a couple of years ago and they rebuilded and before it cleared the insurance I was getting calls from a collection agency.

    You might want to call over there to see if they will reduce the bill. Not sure how they do it at Childrens, but a guy I work with owed a bunch of money to Riverside and based on his income and the number of children they have Riverside reduced the bill a ton. This was all after his insurance had paid its part. They wanted to get what they could from him, because even after discounting it they end up getting more than if they sold the debt to a collections agency.

  2. I live off Bethel and work downtown and have to say there hasn't been one day yet this week that I haven't seen cops with people stopped on 315 on my way to work in the morning and on my way home at night!!! So yeah whatever you do watch it cause they are out there and I'm sure they would love to make your acquaintance

  3. Yes it will work. My parents have a fax machine setup on a digital phone line from time warner. Carriers make no distinction between a fax machine and a regular phone, they do the same kind of stuff on the carriers' lines.

    I'm not so sure about that...my 'rents have AT&T UVerse which switches your lines over to VOIP so that it is all tied into your internet connection, but for some reason they had to keep a normal line for the fax machine.

    I would say call Insight and ask them specifically if it is supported and how it would be setup. The other thing I've heard about getting phone service from the cable company is that call quality can vary greatly based on which modem they give you and how much web browsing / downloading is going on while you are on the phone. The other thing to remember is that if your power goes out, so does your phone unless your modem has a backup battery.

  4. My $0.02...go buy the cheapest of either that you can find that has the inputs you need, the features that you want and that you think looks good. 99% of people will not be able to tell the difference between an LCD and a Plasma once it is out of the box. The picture quality on both will be great and the 720p/1080p debate is pointless as Pratt pointed out, unless you plan to buy a Blue-Ray player anytime soon, or you have an upscaling DVD player that supports 1080p there is no need for it. The pixelation/blur that you see on both LCD and Plasma is mostly a result of the compression used by the broadcaster on the HD signal, so there is nothing that you can do about it other than switch providers. As far as burn-in on Plasma goes, it is nothing at all like it used to be and there are ways to avoid it.

    I own a 42" Vizio 1080P LCD and have recommended them to quite a few people. If I had it to do all over again I'd still go with the LCD, just my personal preference.

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