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Posts posted by millerb7

  1. from one of the board members that handle the back end of it, the passwords should still be secure since they are... hashed? i dunno, the explanation made sense, but he said to change the password if it makes you feel better. i just went ahead and changed it.


    Our PW's "should" look something like:


    I have access to all the back-end but haven't taken a look myself.

  2. Can't post in the how-to section... but started this up a few days ago, very simple, very plain.

    I have a few more how-to's to upload on it, and then I have some members over on gixxer.com that have submitted some they did to me as well so I'll be updating it over the new few weeks.

    The main goal is to get all the "USER WRITTEN" how-to's I can. I'll break it down by bike, year, etc with a nice search function to help out.

    Anyways, site took me about 30 minutes to make so it's still in the stages of changing things as I run into problems.

    Hope it helps whoever needs some how to's. Like I said, I only have 3 of mine up right now, got 3 more coming, and then adding other user's how-to's as well for a nice single place to find anything.

    If you have one and want it posted up, shoot me a PM. Not adding any I find on sites, only those that the writers give me permission to.

  3. Funny. I've heard a few junkies say that. The only person to call me an asshole to my face has been my wife. I think that means she has bigger balls than the junkies. :dunno:

    I'm a dick. I'm an asshole. I hate everyone. I'm very vindictive. I easily offend people. I'm very anti-social. I go from calm and collective to slamming a guy's head into the wall until he's speaking jibberish and bleeding in about two seconds. I know all this. I'm okay with it. :)

    Less typing, more tapatalk.


  4. See.... You're good to here. Sound like a reasonable, intelligent guy... You have my attention

    Then 'ya blow it..... k'Thanxbaibai

    I think I was pretty reasonable in my reply to you Brandon. I even left out the part about Nick observing you guys smoking pot while on one of your rides a couple years ago, or you trying to rally your guys to go vigilante on Schmuck last year.... But if you're gonna lump me in with the pots & kettles.... glws

    Let me ask you this.... How did you even find out about this thread, on a board you've never been on before?? I'm guessing Brandon's got a thread on AJ linking over to here, like he's done in the past when one of these "wars" breaks out

    You've brought the new issue of newby's to this board coming on & trying to reprimand us because they don't like the climate of a 4 day old thread they're joining 20 pages deep in. Again.... How'd you find out this thread was even on this board??

    Ummm.... Yeeaahhhh.... I already said last night the blown up version looked funky. I was trying to be diplomatic about it, but since you're playin' all coy, I'm just gonna straight up call "Bullshit" that your bike is painted like that, or that it's even your bike for that matter

    I assure you that it's my bike.

  5. I HATE flash! I've never had the patience to learn it. I am a Photoshop guy. I was to do prepress work when I was in Florida, and now I'm actually going to be doing graphic work for the school I work at. I always wanted to be a cop but never really had he support if family to get me through it so I didn't do it. Now, just graduated with my BA in business and not sure what I want to do from here. We'll see....

    Wait, what is happening right now?

    haha..... flash isn't horrible to learn, but save yourself the time, HTML5 will take the world over (with apple and google's support) in less than 5 years.

    I have done TONs of prepress work, my folks print the diplomas for the colleges across the country.

    Want to have your PhD... PM me!

  6. Okay, soooooo... about to do a ton of shit to the bike... any interest in a how-to for dummies (as a lot of this will be my first time so I'll post up all the shit i did wrong as well) for....

    all will be done on a k8 gixxer 600

    1. Full yosh-r55 exhaust

    2. pcv

    3. autotuner

    4. plug change

    5. air filter change

    6. grip change

    7. throttle change to r1 throttle

    8. speedodrd install

    9. coolant flush

    10. brake fluid flush

    probably more but I'm forgetting.

    I probably won't snap pics of all of it due to time... but if your interested in a few let me know I'll do a lil writeup and you can learn from my mistakes lol.

  7. I'm not taking it personal at all, just statin' how it looks. That is cool that you came in here to say that Brandon is a good guy, awesome, but you could have left it at that. I don't know him but it seems a lot of people on here do. He has been the calmest of all the AFJ people from what I see.

    I'm actually one of the most calm down to earth guys you'll ever meet... along with riding/racing I have many passions that most wouldn't guess, just like all of us on here do.

    Gotta take all the posts with a grain of salt I suppose... most people are complete different on the internet than real life.

    For instance, I collect fountain pens, I love watching anime (I'm not embarrassed to say it!)... I do flash animations, photoshop (although not to my bike I swear it!!!)... build computers, anything computer related, am a paramedic, getting my master's degree in business... etc etc etc...

    I think in most cases, like mine, the internet is a place to come and be something different for a nice escape from reality ;)

    Plus I gotta keep my post count up, I have to catch up to jeremy... bastard has like 10k posts!

  8. Thug doesn't mean hood, try again. But I don't doubt that you do ride with that. I throw on my white beater, shorts and flip flops from time to time but the track keeps denying me....

    THUG = "Thug, a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire. Often a member of a gang, as an enforcer in organized crime, and misdemeanor."

    I do no such thing!

    On a serious note, I attempted to ride to my local blockbuster (less than 2 miles away) the other day without my full gear.... I turned around before I hit the top of the street... that shits just fucking stupid.

  9. I'm sure there are a few exceptions, but I think a OR and AFJ get together would do just fine... do some riding (I'm sure everybody can learn some new pointers from everybody else) and do some drinking... maybe hit up a QSL...

    be a fun time.... maybe every few months you all can come hit the 10/22 route with us, and some of us can head up there and hit some roads... make a day of it.

    /civilness over

  10. I'm not saying he is not a bad guy or that he is dishonest. That is awesome that he has helped so many people out. I am glad he enjoys ridin just like everyone on here, but the fact that you just joined in Jun 2010 and it was your first post, and you then decide to say OR is crap because of this thread? What a joke... I'm not stupid. Either way we look at it, the other "group" is at fault. Brandon got on here to sell a bike, someone said it looked a little beat, your AFJ people flipped out. So if I were to come look at the bike and say, "man, this bike is beat to crap" would I get yelled and cussed at? So why do it on here. Someone stated their opinion of the bike from what they saw but it was not intended to harm anything. Track bikes are beat up, i'm sure.

    I've have never heard of the AFJ until I came on OR. Never had an issue with any if them unilateral this thread, so MY first impression of you guys is that you are a bunch of thug riders who think you're the shit! Jus sayin...

    I wear a du-rag while I ride and some FUBU jeans as my protection... got a problem with that!

  11. Now that I'm home and not viewing from my phone, both bikes look like they made a trip to the MS paintshop ;)

    First off... don't h8.

    You're just jealous that:

    1. Your bike isn't as cool as mine


    2. Your photoshop skillzorz aren't very good.

    I vote #1 though.

  12. I have a couple cans of that stuff lying around that I won as door prizes on rides from a dealership. I would actually have to use it to get a clean bike and I would rather ride than clean. No, I don't want to get rid of the polish I might need it someday when I sell the bike and I don't want it to look like shit when I do.

    Best cleaner ever....

  13. I don't paint my track bikes, my street bike probably has bugs on it from last year and I ride around with a baby on the back. Looks aren't really my thing; I have even owned a busa. If someone tells me that something I have looks like shit they might be right I really don't care.

    You should buy "original" honda polish... it'll solve your bug issues ;)

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