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Everything posted by millerb7

  1. If it gets rained out tomorrow I'll be there next week, I'm off Monday-Thursday... I work tomorrow and thursday though
  2. I'm off that wednesday, I'll try to be there as well.... this is the one in milford correct?
  3. I know with my iPhone I can go to a website and see where my phone is at all times within a few feet, and lock it or perma wipe it (can restore off my backups). I imagine you can't do this. I'm assuming yu have reported the phone stolen to the police, at this point I'd have it turned off and either buy another or claim it on insurance and get another. I'm sorry to here taut btw, I would die without my phone.
  4. Anybody up for riding any of these days? I'm off this week all 3 in a row and praying for some good weather.
  5. Nate, you made him angry. I approve this post by the way, it got me thru my 10 hour work day. Thank you!
  6. Just landed back in Dayton. Key West was sexy. Matt was amazing.
  7. I call the left nut... I'm partial to that.... the right one is slightly smaller
  8. this thread has entertained me during my vacation, I approve.
  9. how's the 520 conversion coming hooker? Gonna keep that chain looking clean finally? haha
  10. This is more like it
  11. I called that But regardless I had surgery on the toe today again (3rd time) so I'm out of riding the rest of the day, but I'll prob. be back riding tomorrow... hopefully it's nice tomorrow.
  12. Yeah those might work better. I couldn't view them as that format, which is why I converted them. By the way rob dont let me forget to give you the memory card back
  13. Windows movie maker blows. I have no idea what format it takes. If you figure it out let me know. I'll see if I can google it
  14. movies are up in .mov format.... hope that helps.
  15. I might make an appearance Pretty close to me, if that rain holds off. Suppose to rain as of now.
  16. Okay I'm gonna repost them as .mov so you should be able to do whatever with them in any program, .mov is pretty widely accepted. They should be up by tomorrow morning, then you can have at them with you editing. I'll take down the .m4v. I'll edit when they are up.
  17. Next time I'll make sure to NOT put them in that format, I'll make them .mp4 or .mov to start haha, sorry. Forget you PC folks are limited.
  18. I'm busy too. I won't be able to get it done until end of week. But when you right click the file and go to properties there should be something there that says file type or along those lines. I use mac so not 100% sure. And everybody can just wait haha, they have all the raw footage so all the edited copy will do is add music and cut out the shots of your crotch haha. If you can't figure it out maybe rob can help explain, he's the PC guru, I'm the MAC man.
  19. My editing software (adobe CS 4) will do it if I need to. Damn slacker! Let me know. You should be able to covert them, you could use isquint or QuickTime if you had to. Sony vegas should accept them as well as any adobe program, windows movie maker prob won't.
  20. Okay it's up jerm... you can nab it off that server. It's only 73MB so lot smaller than the other vid. About 11 minutes long. EDIT AWAY
  21. okay same website will have the 2nd movie, I actually forgot 11 minutes of footage haha... it'll be uploaded by midnight. Anyways it'll be called bike 6-6-09-A. Let me know if you have any issues. EDIT: I had some issues it's uploading again now and will be done sometime tonight (I'm going to bed) so if you download it tomorrow morning it should be up for sure. EDIT2: Hopefully it'll be up by the time I head to work (11:30am)... I'm having internet issues as well so uploading is proving to be shitty haha.
  22. Jerm did you get the last vid? If not I'll upload it tonight. Looking forward to the edited version.
  23. Yeah you can Go to keepvid.com. Follow directions. You type in the bids address in the bar and just click ok and it downloads it off YouTube. I'll eventually break the vid into 10 minute segments and get it on YouTube as well. That will be later down the road though . I'll let you do the editing. Let me know if you can't get it.
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