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Everything posted by millerb7

  1. Yeah, it's still under warranty.... more fun to watch you work though.
  2. Oh, I vote we do my TPS/O2 censor before we fix your bike Nate... makes most sense.
  3. Yeah Matt's been getting a lil antsy without you Nate.... and wish I coulda been there yesterday with you all, I coulda like performed CPR or something on you, would made you feel better.
  4. God how true that is. Waiting for that chain to break any day now.
  5. I was just in coshocton for 3 days. My girlfriends family lives there. Small world.
  6. I'm with Nate on this, just give me a hollar when the plans are made. I'm of work next weekend. Heard some about you nick, Matt's been crushin on you
  7. I'm gonna do my best to be out. Have some things I gotta do with the lady, so we'll see. Text me and remind me Might just have to bring the lady.
  8. Matt doesn't want you whoring around Nate.
  9. If you don't wanna buy it, I have the PDF of both of those books, just let me know I'm in the process of reading them both myself, I'll be finishing "sport riding techniques" up this weekend... good read so far.
  10. Was a blast as usual... my lady was a little bitter I didn't get to take her due to work... hopefully next time.
  11. You know dave, Nate was hurt you blew him off at chipotle last Friday. He waited forever.
  12. Well looks like Nate is hitting on ninjanick LOL
  13. I'll be out of town. Meeting the girlfriends parents for the first time haha. Taste of Cincinnati is pretty cool, my uncles raggea band plays there every year, good shit.
  14. I guess I gotta start working harder, matts cheating on me.
  15. Dave you gonna ride with us tomorrow?
  16. Uh oh, nates giving the secrets away!
  17. Be free after 1500 Thursday and all day until around 1600 Friday... suppose to be nice both days if anybody's up for riding.
  18. Yeah I might take my girl thru there Thursday (slowly for the nice scenic stuff)... I promised her a day of riding and she wants to see where we do twisties.
  19. I'm in, especially the twisties.
  20. Yeah I get it as well... but a pretty big computer nerd myself... building them and all Tis sad.
  21. When I'm not feeling lazy I can photoshop more colors on other bikes haha... I'd vote but I'm liking the 50/50 split hah
  22. sorry ran into some issues... should be done here shortly.
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