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Status Updates posted by Artmageddon

  1. I think I want to stretch my rear fender. Have you ever seen this? Do you have any thoughts?

    chop, not stretch. :) Get that billski light on there before you do anything.

  2. $14. :) go to walmart, get the memory foam pillow that I have a pic of.

    We'll need some sort of glue too, not sure what kind yet. That's all.

    maybe Wed night?

  3. Ah, the one person that can back up that avatar. :D

  4. all is good, busy and hell and looking forward to getting out this weekend. One of the few I have to myself this summer.

  5. Another thing. If an east coast trip sounds interesting, we could hit up Laconia for a day or two:


    Not quite our scene, but one of those things we should check out. Hell, I may have Harley by then. Thinking of going to the Dark Side. :)

    Last trip I did anywhere from 400-700 miles a day. 4-500 is good day, get places, but still have time to piss around.

    Also if Florida is an option, I have a place to crash if needed. My Mom and step dad bought a house in Sebring, about an hour south of Orlando. They don't even live there yet, available for us to crash at for sure. I haven't been there yet, I know I have to this summer at one time or another. It's pretty centralized, easy to get anywhere in the state from.

  6. Anything going on this weekend?

  7. Are you on Facebook? If so, send me links to and the wife so I can spam you with band crap. :D

  8. Are you wanting to go to the comic con with me tomorrow?

  9. As long as its not raining, I'm in the 10th.

  10. Awesome, thanks. I was checking out some of the pipes you have done, they are pretty sweet and got me thinking. I'm going to hold off for the moment, I've just dumped about a grand in to the bike this week(tune-up, new tires, new paint, new sprockets(38 rear) and chain). As soon as I fell like spending some more money, I'll hit you up and we'll see about the pipes.

    You don't happen a chain rivet tool do you? :) I'll do the ball peen hammer way if I need to.

  11. Back, a little wet and sore, but made it. The bike was great, no problems at all. Never even adjusted the chain or changed oil. Tires still look pretty good too.

  12. balls-hellz yeah. bj:

  13. Check your gmail ASAP.

    For the 10th, Scott and Tom are in, Pat is out. Scott suggested a lake in NW Ohio, sounds good to me.

  14. Check your gmail.

  15. consider me out right now. I just found out I owe $1000 tuition bill I wasn't expecting. If something changes between now and Friday, I'll let you know.

  16. cool, I feel better now for ditching.

  17. Cool, it's collecting dust so when ever you need it, just let me know.

  18. Cool, let's see if Pat , Scott, Tom and ?? are interested as well. They may have some ideas too. I'll PM and ask them. Anyone else?

  19. cool. Hit me up if you want to, even if Nick doesn't and weather allows. I wouldn't mind hopping on a vrod for shits and giggles. You going to QSL this week to get some purple shirts bloody?

  20. Crap. I fail, just read your PM. Been moving and have sucked at getting back to people. If you still need, need it let me know.

  21. Decals will not be ready tomorrow. Got them all printed, but not cut out. Got held up on the phone. :) I'll let you know when. Maybe Wed? Any chance of making a QSL night?

  22. depends on what you want to see. ;)

  23. did you get me email about KY?

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