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Status Updates posted by Artmageddon

  1. will do, let you know Fri night.

  2. How old are you? Half the people I hang out with grew up in Timberlake, you probably know them. We're all early 30's. Tom Leonard, Rob Blau, the Prices...... Sound familiar?


  3. should have info and pics on the spirit tonight. I'll send it over.

  4. Dunno, we could try. :D

  5. Talked to my uncle, said that was great post to get into. He said just go over and sign up, shouldn't have any problems. Free Saturday afternoon?

  6. Heading to St Louis to visit a friend. ;) Cool town, be a good destination for a weekend bike trip if you are ever interested.

  7. you didn't print from that did you? I could have given you a good print ready file. :)

  8. For your flyer, did you need the high res file that I made for you(in your thread), or did you use something else?

  9. Nobody mad that I know of, it's just winter, bikers are summer friends. :)

    I'm not sure yet about the show, If I do, it will be Friday after work, I have plans Sat & Sun.

  10. Hey, you going good? Still homo? :D

  11. I fail. I keep seeing posts, and forget to get back. Sorry. We do need to catch soon.

  12. jags get a hold of you?

  13. depends on what you want to see. ;)

  14. I just realized your PM looked like a poem/ Haiku. You getting sweet on me?

  15. Uh, no. Forgot. I get so busy I barely have time to pee. If someone needs help with it, I would happy to though.

  16. Another thing. If an east coast trip sounds interesting, we could hit up Laconia for a day or two:


    Not quite our scene, but one of those things we should check out. Hell, I may have Harley by then. Thinking of going to the Dark Side. :)

    Last trip I did anywhere from 400-700 miles a day. 4-500 is good day, get places, but still have time to piss around.

    Also if Florida is an option, I have a place to crash if needed. My Mom and step dad bought a house in Sebring, about an hour south of Orlando. They don't even live there yet, available for us to crash at for sure. I haven't been there yet, I know I have to this summer at one time or another. It's pretty centralized, easy to get anywhere in the state from.

  17. I've always wanted to go to Glacier. For sure an option. I've also been thinking of a coastal route. Take 55 south, follow the blues route for a day or so, go east along the gulf (which is a nice), and then head north from FL to however far we can make it, Vermont is not out of the question. That interest you at all? I figure we went west last year, might as well hit up all the east coast states and get them checked off the map this year. :) No idea yet really, not much of a planner, and I guess we need to know dates. I also am hesitant to jump in on a group trip where everything is planned to the T and reservations are made. I like having a rough idea, and then just winging it. I'm not out for Glacier by any means though.

  18. I can't find the thread we talking about a trip on. Don't even remember if it was here or facebook. Fail.

    Anyway, I would camp on a short trip 2-3 days. As much pain as I was in the last long trip, I think I need a bed at night. I ended up shipping my gear back halfway through because I knew there was no way my back could take a night on the ground.

  19. I know. Carin and I were just making fun of you.

  20. still up? in the doghouse? :)

  21. cool, I feel better now for ditching.

  22. Fun last night? We didn't get done until 11. I thought it was going to take an hour, took 4.

  23. got busy friday at work and forgot to take the file with me. I should be able to get the re-work for you this afternoon. :)

  24. Cool, it's collecting dust so when ever you need it, just let me know.

  25. Do you still need the jack?

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