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Status Updates posted by Artmageddon

  1. I actually would do the zombie, not a giant fan but I'd go IF I wasn't going to be out of town. Going to see family for the holidays, heading out right after work the 25th.

    Bummer about your back. Hopefully nothing serious and gets healed up soon.

    Now when you say fighting form, do you just want to get in shape? Or are you wanting to beat some people down? :)

  2. I don't. big stress relief. At least next time, I have half the work done already.

    You good? Been riding?

    I did about 100 miles yesterday, no time today though.

    Hah! Helmet just popped up in your music. good tune, haven't heard that for a while.

    I meant to tell you I was in a bar in new orleans called the dungeon, all metal all the time. Five findger death punch was in regular rotation. there were even people moshing.

  3. Yeah, I was watching some of the videos, looked like it got pretty crazy and fun. Like I said, next night out, I'm there. just let me know.

  4. not too much, dropped the java class today so have some free time and nowhere near as much stress......

    until next semester when I have to do it again. :(

  5. Have fun tonight, hopefully he's terrible since I couldn't make it. :) Next time an event is planned I am going unless I lose a limb or something.

  6. will do. YOu liking it so far?

  7. Thanks, things will settle down soon, I hope anyways.

  8. Thanks for the input last night, being drunk and at 5:45 am, not bad. You'll be fine in your classes for sure. :) The whole class is pretty much unit testing and GUI. I'll try and suffer through it.

  9. balls-hellz yeah. bj:

  10. Are you wanting to go to the comic con with me tomorrow?

  11. I'm out tonight. Maybe tomorrow. busy, busy. :)

  12. As long as its not raining, I'm in the 10th.

  13. Check your gmail ASAP.

    For the 10th, Scott and Tom are in, Pat is out. Scott suggested a lake in NW Ohio, sounds good to me.

  14. Cool, let's see if Pat , Scott, Tom and ?? are interested as well. They may have some ideas too. I'll PM and ask them. Anyone else?

  15. did you get me email about KY?

  16. Sorry I missed you, been a weird couple of days. Just let me know what you want it to say and I'll get it going for you.

  17. Like I said, nothing definite anyway. I'll more than likely wait.

  18. Back, a little wet and sore, but made it. The bike was great, no problems at all. Never even adjusted the chain or changed oil. Tires still look pretty good too.

  19. hey what's up, been busy or sleeping since I got back. lots of stuff to catch up on.

  20. nice, way to be tech savvy. 582-1919

  21. iron-butt got moved, a big project came up at work. Leave this Friday now. Worked out well, extra day for the holiday and a bunch of over-time money. :)

  22. No idea about that pic. I didn't take it, just edited it for a thread about color correction.

  23. hour 13 today and counting.....

    left at midnight last night, and I've barely made a dent in what I have to do.

  24. If so, I won't be going. :(. Not too many showed interest, ask around, they may still go.

    I will be working my ass for the next week. Probably a minimum 12 hour days until next Sunday. I plan on using Sat afternoon to do what I need to do for the party. See yo guys at 6. I'm going to Pig Iron 12-3 and then working the rest of the day Sunday too.

  25. I plan on going Thursday, Shauna as well. If the weather is bad, probably not though.

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