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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. buy the power commander first..then buy a bmc race filter..f- k&n
  2. that dude

    New b

    welcome mr. street glow
  3. lovin the instructables website...some cool shit on there
  4. calling for more rain tuesday, flooding already here
  5. sam- my younger sister had the croup very often as a toddler..make sure the stay hydrated(pedilyte works great) and watch the color of the skin around the mouth. make sure they color does not turn pale or bluish.i f you have not gotten a cool mist humifider, invest in one, it makes a world of difference.this will help them breathe easier. i also remember that the drs basically told my parents to always keep in eye on the breathing and watch that the stomach isnt being sucked in while trying to breathe.another thing that will help is oxygen..maybe you grandma or someone has a tank, or im sure any medical store will have the small portable ones.good luck and its rough, but basically like any sickness you just gotta ride it out..im sure the youngster will be just fine!!!!
  6. anyone up north that wants to ride this week let me know..im laid off right now so i got all kinds of free time
  7. ^^love it too much too do that...one day i will, but for right now i will just bitch about how my back hurts after riding
  8. i think that would make me a bit nervous also...glad there was no touchdown
  9. a uncomfortable sportbike
  10. maybe thats way the the dealership was selling them for 9k
  11. i went 200+ yesterday
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