To each his own. Some of us Harley riders have/had sports bikes and don't bad mouth them. Hating ALL Harleys and ALL Harley riders is kind of broad brush to paint a group with, you may be limiting yourself to some cool people......
I saw 3 Harleys and 1 Beemer today. What is it like 10* windchill anyway? I'll usually ride at 35* or higher but not days like this. It is sunny and dry though ;-)
Hey Patrick, whats up man? I hear ya man, Im gonna take mt back wheel off tomorrow. Pain in the ass man, my tire ins'nt in that bad of shape. Oh well, thats the way it goes.......
I got about 3 hours in. Nice day to ride. Would have got more time in the wind but, I got a flat rear tire I was lucky to be close to home. Turned out I foud a "key", like a house key stuck all the way in my tire. Still had fun though.