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Everything posted by TopLeft

  1. 2008 Honda CBR 1000RR Zero Gravity windscreen Fender eliminator kit Thinking about HID lights... Gladly taking input about the pros/cons of HID!
  2. I'm still good for it. Just post where and when.
  3. Pratts got blackmail. Or bribery. Depending on your preoccupation with spatulas and velcro strips...
  4. Outstanding 1000rrrider! Twisted ways? More night sweats and group therapy, just great. Any leniency for a fellow RR?!?!
  5. You're from Marysville also! Are you too a "Hondroid"???
  6. That's good. I was willing to throw myself under the bus to help ya! Would've claimed you had to keep me with the group. Nice video of the ride!!!
  7. They do seem warm and fuzzy to noobs. Regardless, keeping one hand ready to prevent an atomic wedgie that causes visual stars...
  8. Gotta admit it was nice to stretch the legs on 71, despite the black SUV who's driver was paralyzed from the eyebrows up. You were worried you'd be sleeping outside for splitting the group. Back inside?
  9. I'm quite interested. What start time and location do you have in mind?
  10. Well, you've got more seniority than I. Just joined about 10 minutes ago. Just guessing when the hazing begins...
  11. Yes, it's a Honda. 2008 CBR 1000. Gotta support my employer (I work at the Auto manufacturing plant in Marysille) so my pension is secure...
  12. Long overdue (Just ask Pratt!), but I'm poking through the eggshell and joining your group. I'm the silent one who invited himself to ride with the OR group during the Hands Charity Ride, and YES, the same one who over-shot Swing'R when turning around to get back on 70...
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