ok so i have a big problem my bike wont run! today i was riding it and it was fine and then i ride home from work and eveything is fine ... then i go out for a ride and about 5 min into the ride my bike starts acting weird like it is cutting out and not getting any throtle ... so i ignore it at first and then it gets worse ... so i am coming to a red light and i start to down shift and as i am holding in the clutch the bike dies on me and i have to restart it at the light .. at this point i am like i need to get my bike back home asap so i turn around and it is getting worseand i really dont think i am going to make it home and to describe it better it was really jerky (it looked like i was a beginner rider and was real rough on the throtle). so i finally got it home and did the paper clip trick and the code was reading c 28 and i know that is the STVA and THEGEEK on here said i could unplug that and it woul;d be fine as long as i didnt do a lot of in town driving so i did that and i kept it in dealer mode and drove down the street to my friends house and it was fine so i thought that was the problem then on my way back home it started to act up again and was not reponding to my throtle and then more codes started showing up like c32 c33 c34 c35 and they are my injectors so is there anyone out there that knows what the problem or knows how to fix my bike cause right now i really dont want to spend 300 dollars at a shop for them to try and figure it out cause i dont really have a lot of money PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!