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Posts posted by warmonger

  1. Yeah the last two hours were dry and people were back on race tires!!!!!! First session in novice was a little crowded do to how slow people are in the rain!!!! You guys bailed a little premature, but I have done the same thing before. This time however I rode two full tanks in the rain and ended up having some fun with it. Was amazed that so many people kept riding in the wet conditions. Don't worry it didn't just rain on your parade, we all got wet.

  2. bought a balancer, just changed about 7 wheels/tires, getting ready to head to jennings next week. Plan on balancing my track tires for the first time!!!!!! not using the beads, my girl doesnt like them. hahahahah

  3. sport bikes only. 03 and 07 gsxr 750 race bikes, 03 rc51, street trophy/ducati slayer, 03 r1 wheelie machine/ back road slayer.. some day I might diversify but for now.. sport bikes only. really want a motard!!!!

  4. Tire balancing.. does it really matter??... Been changing my own tires 4 a couple years now and never use any weights. never felt a shim or had trouble with handling. street and track, many many tires. Thanks 4 your insight/knowledge!!

  5. Im in if the weathers nice. gonna be a fair weather fan this time. Riding ky back roads tomarrow3-5-09 if anyone doesnt have to work and wants to go. AA shell @ High Noon..( I guess that should be a different thread sorry) Let me know where sat and Ill try and be there.. ready to get out of the hibernation of winter time!!!!!

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