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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. HA... Good luck... I've officially given up hope!
  2. My wife and I bought a Macbook pro about 6 months ago and love it.. Usually when we cant figure out how to do something, we google it and find the answer... Its hilarious to see how we have been trained to do something on a PC that seems normal but WAY over complicated. Such as start programs documents bla bla bla... It just doesn't have to be that hard... Macs are sweet, and have had zero problems... We love it..
  3. Dang man..I just sold my 2003 xr 50 for 400 and it was NICE! U should be able to find an xr 50 or crf 50 for around that... But yea def get the XR!
  4. I don't feel like calling a place and getting raped.
  5. Its either a 2004 - 2006 999s.. track prepped.. Its clean!
  6. Would you get on the track if you had it?
  7. Sweet, I'll have to call them when I get my new streetbike
  8. Sweet! I know someone interested.. I'll let ya know!
  9. I've tipped a mechanic before... I also tip my barber... That is their job but still tip them..
  10. I own this one http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=7284 Its my favorite! SOO comfortable.. Kinda loud though.. Its a track only helmet for me.
  11. MEH way better deal here http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=6146
  12. I'm not buying his yet.. I'm trading someone my hyper, and am going to take that zx6r to CMP.. I might try and sell it to get gene's though.. I ultimatley want Gene's but people arent buying bikes!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCGC_qh6dC8&feature=player_embedded
  14. Bump, I'm buying my new track bike Thursday
  15. My dad works for a small company in Indiana that tried to sell to wal mart, and they lied cheated and stole so much from my dads company it was rediculous.. They never pay their bill, etc etc... They cancelled wallyworld after about a year.
  16. LOL i love how people won't pay what you are asking... They always want a "deal" no matter how cheap you are selling them
  17. Not to bad for me.. To bad for your friend Let me know if that other guy wants to look at it.
  18. http://www.roadracerx.com/blog/more-on-the-dangling-foot/ another point of view http://motomatters.com/opinion/2009/07/22/the_truth_behind_the_rossi_leg_wave.html I've seen older racers do this occasionally, but not as much as Rossi
  19. LOL thanks Brian... I just need to sell this or my hyper to get that freakin zx6r!
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