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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. And the flower chair with mom mug!! FTW! Oh lord u know he hates us!
  2. Thats the difference.. Best buy is not commission, the just generally are trying to help you... They don't all wait in a circle.. they are atleast in their department.
  3. Quit holding on so friggin tight! What a squid Nice meeting you man! Hope to see you around more often! You got skillz.. Just tell your wife I do 3 a week ! Glad you made it home safe, and wreck free!
  4. Its great that you guys are hiring, but honestly thats exactly why I don't go to HH Gregg anymore.. All the sales guys sit around like a washer or dryer and chit chat, and then as soon as a customer walks in BAM its like (Ok sales guy 1.. your turn..go make a sale) .. I feel like I'm buying furniture or a car.. Not sure if you are a manager there or not, but Id tell the sales people to relax.. let the customer look around and if they need help or have questions, someone will be glad to assist them.. You can tell they work on commission..
  5. Out... I'll be on my way to barber
  6. LOL! I KNOW I KNOW... But seriously.. How many people... 10? I wanna go, but i mean.. well.. u know. Edit.. Nevermind.. a dozen was mentioned.. I fail at reading.
  7. How has the turn out been to this? I'm guessing its not near as large as wings and rings, just because of the location... How many people end up going each Monday?
  8. LOL.. I had no idea what I was measuring but I came up with 28.5 inches...
  9. Way to be a dick... How the hell is he supposed to know if he doesn't ask Sorry we aren't all knowing like u .. I have no patience for that crap.. A new guy on the board is asking for help, and you have to be an ass... typical.
  10. When I get back in town I will... I'm in Indiana for a track day at putnam tomorrow, but I'll measure as soon as I get back!
  11. No idea... best thing to do is try it on... He is like 6ft tall.. but i don't know the answer to your question. sorry about that.
  12. My dad just bought a new suit so he wanted me to post this for sale. I have it at my house in Dublin. He wore this probably 8 track days. It has never been down at all. This is size 46/56. He is probably 5'11" - 6 foot ish and 200lbs. Since it is a two piece, you can unzip and just wear the pants or the jacket. Not sure what model this is, but its in good shape. This does not have a speed hump or back protector. My dad is super fair about prices, and he said $150 was fine. So instead of posting for $200 or $175 and someone offering $150 because they "want a deal" here it is.. $150 is the price.. $150
  13. I'm posting from my 2 hour old macbook pro.. Although, thats about all i know how to do with it!
  14. PM recieved... thank you!! EVERYONE.. Make sure you send me your NUMBER or you won't get this deal!
  15. Na man.. Its not like that.. You'll want to do more thats for sure! And push yourself to YOUR limits, don't try and ride over your head.. You shouldn't hvae to get that OH CRAP pucker feeling... Just enjoy yourself, and push it whenever it feels comfortable! Just work on braking, body position, different lines, etc... Those things will make you faster quicker!
  16. Sweet! I'll start going... Can't go this week cause I'm gonna be getting rained on at putnam, but i'll start going if others go
  17. What were they over charging you for? How do you know they were over charging you? How do you know it was because you were a girl? Many stealerships over charge for many things, and reasons.. Lets hear what when down first!
  18. It's a forum .. If you want to have private conversations, then message someone, otherwise its PUBLIC, so you are talking to EVERYONE
  19. yloduc will be there, but not riding.. Hes going to church with my mom then taking the duc out to watch.. its just the youngsters this trip
  20. I'm sure they are... meet around 630 - 7ish.. Its right across the street from quaker on the other side of Polaris.. Just exit on polaris and head toward mall.. its right on your right hand side..
  21. R http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=57758&highlight=funeral
  22. In columbus? http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=57616
  23. I has a sad Yes.. Sunday only
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