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Posts posted by Hondajt

  1. I sold my 2000 Honda VFR800. Great bike. (It's at middletown cycle if anyone is interested)

    Well, this has been a great forum. I am sure I will still get on the forum every now and then.

    Anyways....Have a safe autumn (fall didn't seem right, lol) and have fun! :cheers:

  2. I love mine. Absolutely amazing. Sporty feel with a little more comfort. And can still hold it's own on the open road....though track day is a different story...(from what I've been told)

  3. sounds like a plan. I'm still here at work installing a brake controller on a 2005 dodge ram. It's kickin my ass.

    edit* the brake controller was bad. This is stupid. Replaced it with a new unit and everything is working fine. Still haven't left yet.

  4. I work from 9-3pm at Solar Shade. If anyone wants to come by, I would like to go for a ride after work today. One big circle that leads back to my shop, where we can order pizza from one of springboro's 8 different pizza stores or anywhere we stop along the way. Of course, I'm not confident enough to lead, but I can if I have too. Though my route isn't very fun, just scenic (to me). Here is my shop:


    Yes, it's a bribe. I just want to meet more of the OR people!

  5. :popcorn:

    exactly what I was thinking.

    Buy a cheaper car and consider it a lessoned learned.

    Were you wearing a seatbelt? Wait, you're a squid, aren't you? So i bet you didn't have the seatbelt on, and the seat leaned back so gangsta you could barely see over the steering wheel. You're lucky it didn't cause you serious injury.

    Actually, I have no idea who you are, but am glad you are okay. Consider this a lesson.

  6. If you can't wave and someone waves at you, proper etiquette dictates that because you're on a Japanese sportbike, you have to hold in the clutch and twist the throttle, bouncing your bike off the rev limiter for no less than 5 full seconds if at a stop, or 3 full seconds if moving. If moving you're also obliged to pop a wheelie after the 3 seconds are complete.

    What if I'm on the Hyosung GT650R? It's badass. I assume I just get to do an awesome burnout or something?


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