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Everything posted by darrisblackford

  1. Sunday, July 19 - “Bike Night In The Afternoon”! 1 to 5 p.m., Beulah Park in Grove City! Goal: Biggest bike gathering of the summer (so far!) Free music, giveaways, parking, and a FLAT TRACK RACING DEMO … 140 mph, all out!!! Plus, you can buy food & beer! Don’t miss it! REALLY hope the sport bike community turns out for this one ... going to be a good time.
  2. anyone else pull the bike out from the garage/basement/attic? The Groundhog was wrong - spring is HERE!
  3. nice bike! should be ample time to ride over next stretch of days with the weather breaking!
  4. unfortunately we don't rent bikes, but if we hostthe Demo fleet this year they usually send a Night Rod ... I'll let you know!
  5. yep, founded in February 1912 ... tomorrow, Feb. 26 in fact!
  6. Will probably stay that way ... I'm actually the worse type of Harley customer, in that I don't even think about changing things ... only thing I added was bar-end mirrors, couldn't see with stock ones ... actually took off the plastic mini fairing and front fender for a while ... was fun, until it rained ...
  7. wow, thanks for the greetings! Would like to thank the academy, and say that we're here for fun. would loveto make Central Ohio the true motorcycling nirvana that we know it can be. To do so, stealing part of an an otherwise killer message from a t-shirt I saw last summer at Bike Night) ... "It Ain't Gonna Ride Itself." See ya!
  8. thanks for adding me to your list!

  9. Hello, A.D. Farrow Co. is in the proverbial Ohio Riders house! We'll be making good use of this space in the coming weeks/months/years to share news, info. and whatnot from America's Oldest Harley Dealership (which happens to like all motorcyclists, thank you very much), but for now we're just saying hey ...
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