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Posts posted by dicemouth88

  1. lol, wut

    put yourself in the position of the dad:

    your daughter's boyfriend who has a shitty driving record in a car and may or may not have numerous accidents under his belt (this makes him "experienced" fo sho!) wants to take one of the most precious things he has in his life on a what is widely regarded as a death trap.

    you, as the father, tell him no. you suck at driving safely, and it can only get worse on a bike.

    said boyfriend takes daughter anyway, may or may not crash

    you, as the father, finds out. father gets out his 12 gauge...

    and PROFITS!!

    good luck

    and he does have a 12 gauge... so thats a scary scenario!!

  2. :plus1: Do you even have gear for her to wear like a proper fitting helmet? Trust me its not worth it to fight with her parents

    no, not yet... we were looking and she found a few helmets and jackets that she liked so it maybe a b-day present thats coming up in june.

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