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Status Updates posted by EvilTwin

  1. So I went home and put a 10amp fuse in and put the 30 back in the spare spot, then drove over to IP. When I turned into the IP parking lot the fuse blew again; so I had to switch back to the 30 to get home. I guess I'm gonna have to try a 15 in this time and see what happens.

  2. Sucks I haven't sold my bike yet.

  3. Surprisingly I was only going a few mph faster than the cars around me, cagers on 670 and 270 haul ass... unlike the idiots on 71.

  4. Thanks for driving my drunk ass around the other day.

  5. Thanks so much for the offer, with the weather being warmer I think my brother's bike should start up fine so I'm gonna ride that. He's planning on selling it in the spring so I wanna take it out and see what a wittle two-fiddy can do ;)

  6. Well I guess it's possible that you saw my old bike, the black, orange and white 95 zx6r, but I sold that to a classmate. yeah bummer that time got away from you, all I did that weekend was ride :D

  7. Were you able to get it activated?

  8. Yea apparently I did.

  9. Yeah, late/early. My sleep schedule is getting all messed up again; haven't had any hours @ work this week so I've been sleeping in and getting more than the normal 5.5 hours of sleep. I guess it's not so early there eh, 7:10 or so right?

  10. Yep, it's got more traction in the rain than my car.

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