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Everything posted by 2007r6s

  1. hey 12 is that a stock 250 and how do u like it i have been wanting a supermoto i am going to get one this year for sure
  2. brennan ill buy your stands do u have any other r6 parts?
  3. welcome i live in eastgate
  4. thats because look at his forks he lowered the frontend
  5. They have a 450 at the shop i go to its a honda converted over with the 17 INCH rims, and suspension, LIGHTING PACKAGE AND TURNSIGNALS, SPEEDO and fully tagged i can get it for between 2500 and 3000 how does the top end and shit hold up on them on the streets
  6. Tell us how it holds up
  7. Is the 250 enough power or should i hold out for a 450
  8. its awesometo go from oldschool forks to inverted forks
  9. hillarious that this kid bangednot just one but two teachers hell yea
  10. u have way to many damn toys thats awesome
  11. most wear a helmet, gloves, jeans and some wear the back protectors when in the lot thats all u really need you sweat your ass off climbing all over the bike and shit. its not like we could wear leathers and still jump from seat stander to tank spreader or something usually in the lot your in first or second gear or at idle on most tircks. i agree with you that people should wear gear 100 % its just not much is targeted toward stunt riding right now
  12. good job u saved that bikes life it looked gayas hell before all stretched and shit good work
  13. anything you would be willing to trade for it or?
  14. i am in the same boat have a complet lower that is all decked out and no upper
  15. the fifty is awesome i have a hand brake set up on it to do seat standers and off the pegs tricks 3/4 fairing sucks because i have brand new farings i have to cut up to do it
  16. i paid 55 for mine brand new off of stuntlife.com
  17. 2007r6s


    hey if u have my space post up your url and add me http://www.myspace.com/timbass
  18. cant base your whole opinion on a few pics
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