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Status Updates posted by AfroCBR

  1. dude i got this sweet route from ninjanick...get at me when you wanna ride....

  2. exactly 7:38.......don't ask me how I know!...lol that shit was hilarious

  3. exactly 7:38.......don't ask me how I know!...lol that shit was hilarious

  4. Forks are looking good...and feeling nice!

  5. got it all fixed!......let's ride

  6. had a ? for you bro.....how much does it cost to go to the putnam track?....thx and take care

  7. I love this kid!!!

  8. It's about to be dedicated my man! Just need to scrape up some funds for a daily driver...

  9. She's hot and she can ride! What a combo!

  10. Thanks Nick...I appreciate that...I didn't know how to respond...

  11. yeap that was me at chipotle.....you should have said hi!!!

  12. Yeap...I need to get me a street bike! I will keep this one doing double duty until I get a dedicated street bike though :)

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