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Status Updates posted by DollFace

  1. Blah, that sucks to have a douche MSF instructor. Well, when you get your bike and you want to putt around town to practice, let me know :).

  2. Click on view conversation next time so I see your message. Didn't know you replied. I have been here bobbing for apples. You want a coffee now? :D

  3. Do you have any pics of your SV1000?

  4. eeew. sucks. Well, I will message you in the morning.

  5. g'mornin miss jess!

  6. Good morning sunshine. I will be at the Java place in about 10 minutes. I will be the tall chic with a reallllly bright blue shirt and black suite. See ya there.

  7. ha ha. this is late. Sarah

  8. Hey lady, I don't know if we are going to make it tonight. I am having a hard time getting a babysitter. But, I am still trying. If I am not there, I hope you guys have tons of fun! But, Jason and I are trying to make it out for at least a couple of hours. I am not a night owl anymore. Hard for me to stay up past midnight... :lol:

  9. Hey pretty girl! Welcome to the madness :)

  10. Hey there. Well, I am actually moving to GA on the 6th, so I am not sure if I can get out before then....but maybe. Let me know if you have anything planned. Maybe we can hit up a Marysville night. There is one on Tues and Thurs I believe.

  11. Hey you wanna ride with me on Wed to QS&L?

  12. Hey, I know you said you may not be ready to go on Friday, but we can take back roads or stay in the slow lane. PPPPPlllllease! Okay, fine I will stop begging. I completely understand. :(

  13. Hi hello. I am in marysville too :D

  14. Holy crap. I wanted to go so bad. Wasn't it kinda chilly this morning? Anyway, I sent at text to that number you gave me. I was trying to see if I could catch up. Oh well :( If you will be at the picnic, I will be there.

  15. I actually have a hard time logging on anymore. Busy busy busy.... Having heart surgery in July, so I have been getting my party on before take the plunge. :D

  16. I am still trying to figure out why you have such a negative reputation? Did you piss someone off or what?

  17. I have been looking at the SV650S and the SV1000S, but I am still not sure if I am confident enough to ride a 1000. BTW, I can't see your pics cause government computers block them. If you send in an attachment I can see :)

  18. It's okay man. I will look at it tonight. I am in no rush to buy another bike. Plus, someone in Columbus has a 2005 SV1000S and I can get it for $4k. It is black....my favorite color. But, yeah, I work for the Air Force and they block a lot of stuff on the computers. I am suprised they don't block this site.

  19. Let's just say....I have skillz :D I can do many things while driving ;)

  20. Maybe I will :D If he still has it. That is a great deal. I will call. Maybe next week you will see a post from me about my NEW FRIEND.

  21. Must post introduction Bigdoggggggg!

  22. no plans. actually haven't ridden in a long time with the weather the way it has been...was going to ride to work today, but 43 degrees is still too cold for me. i am a wuss when it comes to cold. so you are a newb? what's your name?

  23. No, if you get with casper and ask him before you post, you can post up any charity events. I was just doing the American Heart Association Jump Rope for hearts for my daughter. I have a heart condition, so I was promoting it. He can put a sticky on it though so you don't have to keep bumping your post. Wish I could say I know some businesses around here but I really don't.

  24. picnic, spring get together....all the same to me. I say picnic, but I am talking about the spring get together 4/11.

  25. Posted a flyer in the thread. Thanks for all your help!!

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