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Everything posted by PhantomMs1

  1. 2900 only been ridding it for a month though
  2. there is a parking garage on neil its right north of 12th that allows motorcycles you think this would be alright?
  3. thats free parking i am assuming?
  4. ok good to know i might do that
  5. north campus, but i dont mind a walk, i am just looking for a safer place to park my bike for the weekend
  6. the garages dont accept bikes, at least the ones on campus by high street. they say right on the gates no motorcycles. this is why i was wondering where i could park.
  7. it will be on campus, and from thursday night - sunday afternoon
  8. Hi all, I am going to be heading down to Columbus this weekend and was wondering where a good spot to park the bike is? are there any parking garages that accept bikes? thanks!
  9. haha sorry, I picked red because you don't normaly see too many of them either! I thought about ripping the decals off just to make it not the same as the others out there. but we will see right now I am in search of new tires anyone have any suggestions i am currently looking at the battlax bt-021 and bt-020 has anyone tried these?
  10. thanks everyone! I am sure I will enjoy this forum!
  11. thanks everyone! the new 450's r bad ass for sure, i still love my shee tho, the shee just rips and is fun as hell. too bad they did away with 2 strokes
  12. what type of atv do you have?
  13. well dont harrass but its a 4 wheeled one, its a 1993 yamaha banshee unfortunitly it has way more aftermarket stuff than my bike does.
  14. no, not really well unless your into dirt ridding also then there are more than enough fields to play in!
  15. well that is good because I am at work right now
  16. dang that didnt take long now did it? thanks this seems to be a pretty sweet community!
  17. Hi, I just joined and thought I would post up some pictures and say hi. I live in Archbold Ohio, most of you proabably have no idea where that is, its a small town about 45 min directly west of Toledo Ohio. I ride a 2004 Yamaha R6.
  18. PhantomMs1

    IMG00175 (Small)

    From the album: My Bike

  19. PhantomMs1

    IMG00174 (Small)

    From the album: My Bike

  20. PhantomMs1

    My Bike

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