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Posts posted by PhantomMs1

  1. so now we have 4 red 04 R6's on the forum....time for me to get a new bike :nono:


    haha sorry, I picked red because you don't normaly see too many of them either! I thought about ripping the decals off just to make it not the same as the others out there. but we will see right now I am in search of new tires anyone have any suggestions

    i am currently looking at the battlax bt-021 and bt-020

    has anyone tried these?

  2. alot of guys on here that are. what you riding in the dirt with

    well dont harrass but its a 4 wheeled one,

    its a 1993 yamaha banshee unfortunitly it has way more aftermarket stuff than my bike does.

  3. Hi,

    I just joined and thought I would post up some pictures and say hi. I live in Archbold Ohio, most of you proabably have no idea where that is, its a small town about 45 min directly west of Toledo Ohio. I ride a 2004 Yamaha R6. :D

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