Yeah... I got the big one from him as well. It has gained about 6" under a bobo light socket grow light, and being outside when it is sunny and over 60*.
I just picked up a Sun Blaze 22 w/ a Blue and a Red Bulb. Now I just need the "optimal" cycle.
Not what you were thinking. I have a Ghost Chili plant, and a LOT of little seedlings that I am raising inside.
What is a good light cycle for them? Where they are, it is IMPOSSIBLE to block all outside light. So, I cannot do a 24 on, 24 off cycle. Would 18 / 6 be good? Or 16 / 8? Or ???
I know the feeling.
On the Marauder, I had the following:
Long Tubes to Cut-Outs, to the Stock Front Cats, Rear Cats Deleted, Stock Mufflers and Tips.
The car was nice and quiet, until the Cut OUts were open
Interesting concept.
WOULD someone who knew nothing "here", do anything?
What about making a RANDOM Senior Member a Mod for a day, and let them know. What do you think would happen?