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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. http://randomoverload.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/336e1cc71bcullen.jpg.jpg KillJoy
  2. The Misses and I stayed at the Cambria Suites up at Polaris and it was BY FAR one of the nicest hotels we had stayed in. It was less expensive and MUCH NICER then the Hyatt Suite we stayed at in Orlando. Good luck! :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. Put it all in a case in the trunk, and don't worry about it. KillJoy
  4. What. The. Fuck. ????? You have pretty much summed up our want / desire to send Smalls to a private school! :thumbup: KillJoy
  5. Ask us how we know you are gay... KillJoy
  6. ...and something for the guys: http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/IMG_0092.jpg KillJoy
  7. They don't pay - You don't work. :thumbup: KillJoy
  8. KillJoy

    Droid X...

    Come on now..... I hook you up with your phone (basically no contract for yourself). And what would I get? A thank you? Give me your Driod, and you can use my New Every 2 to get what you want (you pay for the phone). KillJoy
  9. KillJoy

    Droid X...

    I see.... so you are NOT wanting someone's upgrade then. Duly noted. KillJoy
  10. KillJoy

    Droid X...

    Interesting. I at at 13 Months, and want a Droid.... KillJoy
  11. ...make sure you use fire. :thumbup: KillJoy
  12. KillJoy

    the heat is on

    Tripe Double... NOT Single Double... KillJoy
  13. At least them birds get something out of it..... better the the fucking worms!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  14. I thought you guys were Hilliard??? KillJoy PS - So.... the school is NOT teaching what the school should???
  15. Columbus - Valleyview (when we bought the house) KillJoy
  16. KillJoy

    the heat is on

    Humph. I could care less. Why is this a NATIONAL event? He is JUST a basketball player.... KillJoy
  17. Meh.... do as I say, not as I do. Sounds familiar in MANY Churches! We are just wanting her to get the BEST education she can, and want to experience all she can without bias. I (we) will never discourage her in anything she want to do in life (within reason). I sure am glad I became a Member of a Church when I was 18. I am STILL on the books!!! KillJoy
  18. Uhhh.... HOPEFULLY you have been out FOR AT LEAST 10 years.... so.... not a good Case Example KillJoy
  19. .... because my Wife and I agree that it is HER right to choose what she wants to believe in. We both went to Church as children, and we do NOT feel there being any negative influence for her doing so in her younger years. Hell, she goes with my Parents' to their Church now, and to the Sitter's Church one day a week for "Mon's Day Out". KillJoy
  20. We are wanting to send our Kiddo to a private school since I feel Columbus Public's is LACKING, to say the least. Most all of them are are NEAR us, are Church / Religion Based. Get this kicker from the closest to us: We are fucked. Why the hell do my Wife and I have to believe in god for our daughter to go to a religion based school? They will get to brain-wash her there.... why do I have to do it at home??? KillJoy
  21. Do what you are paid to do, or quit. No notice, just quit. No need to be a bitch and cause co-workers drama. KillJoy
  22. That area is NOT "South" nor "West". KillJoy
  23. Move. :thumbup: KillJoy
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