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Status Updates posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yeah, need to see what rides are going on soon.

  2. okay, be easier to set stuff up that way rather than trhu this....kinda slow going

  3. Not sure. will have to find out

  4. Dont know, I work M-F. My wifes out of town this week, so Im playing it by ear. Prob going to bike night on thursday. http://www.ohio-riders.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=128&day=2009-6-25&c=1

  5. It was a blast. About 130 miles or so. Got a lil burnt on my arms. Wish you could have gone, you probably would have really enjoyed yourself.

  6. Okay. Sound good. Have fun.

  7. Supposed to meet at AD Farrow on 37 at 400pm, then everyone rides to the sunbury town square at 430pm.

  8. Yeah, ill have to look at em. The only one I have on here is the one on my bike. I need to get another one cuz its since been repainted.

  9. Anyways, enough about me. You have a 3 y/o?

  10. No need to apologize. Weve all fought for their right to freedom of speech. I heard a saying once: It is the soldier who fights under the flag, whose coffin is drapped by the flag that allows the protestor to burn the flag.

  11. Well thank you for that Sara. It always nice to have someone say that. Youd be surprised at how many people dont feel that way, or who hate our soldiers.

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