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Posts posted by NOPR

  1. NOPR where in Flint did you live? What bars did you go to?


    I spent a lot of time in Flint and at OSU and I must say my experience on OSU's campus doesn't even compare to the stuff I saw in Flint.


    To keep this on the subject of Dearborn; TLC has a new reality show about being a muslum in America where they follow 5 family's in Dearborn.


    I lived at the corner of Dupont and Flushing. We mostly went to Rube's, the Torch, or Churchill's. I do know a guy that got mugged walking to Rubes, but I also read about shit like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnlREKXll6c at OSU. Again, it's not like Flint is a great, safe place to be I just think it gets exaggerated a lot. I also think it has gotten a lot better as time has gone on, at least close to the school.


    but anyway, Fun Fact: Dearborn has the second largest Arab population outside of the Middle East.

  2. Last school term at Kettering there were 3 freshman walking back to the dorms at night. They were stopped and robbed at gun point. When the students only had a couple bucks cash on them the guy got mad and pistol whipped them in the face. Still sounds pretty violent to me.


    Right, but I could also tell you ten similar stories from OSU campus. I'm not saying nothing bad happens, but for the most part the frequency and severity gets greatly exaggerated, and it's not that much worse than a lot of other big schools.

  3. As bad as it was then, I hear it's worse now.


    It's not. The worse that thing that happened while I was there was a few people mugged when walking around in the middle of the night. And cars get broken into. The same shit that happens on OSU campus. On the bright side, the police are so busy with real criminals that you can literally do whatever you want.

  4. Yea. wont catch me down there with a family at night. At least with out a gun. Now flint about 10 years ago you could go out to the "cruse" and be out all night with a bunch of cool ppl with some fast bad ass cars. now after the FF movies which i do enjoy dont get me wrong. It is all fucked up now and you have drug deals underage kids drinking stabbings and shootings.


    so now you wont catch me there either with out at least 2 guns. there is a reason Flint is now rated the #1 worst place to live. Detroit used to be #1. hence me saying there is worse.


    Good job on the reporting that hotel wish your family the best in not catching anything!


    I lived in Flint for 4 years; it's a total shit hole but it's really not that dangerous in most areas.


    The places that are dangerous you wouldn't want to visit anyway.

  5. I called Gahanna PD today and asked them if they got the hit and run guy last night at 9:30 and they said yes they got him. :) I asked if he was drunk or what not but she didn't know.


    nice work.

  6. what is the height requirements for this?


    Usually there are separate models (called limos) with extended "front porches" for longer legs that put the pedals out further. I'm 6'3" and this is what I have. For most brands the parts to convert to a limo can be swapped right on.


    Also, this is a great deal.


    Also, North of Detroit FTW.

  7. modern > dated


    IMO if you're gonna drop money on an SUV, these days the nicest looking and best value is Grand Cherokee. Maserati is making a new SUV on that platform I think.






    edit: also, I couldn't live with the TBSS steering wheel. Not a single spoke without a damn button on it.


    edit2: yeah i know the Jeep and the Durango are basically the same, I'd just rather have the Jeep...they hold their value better despite having more problems


    I've driven both and while i agree the Jeep is nice, there's a lot more room in the Durango in pretty much every seat. It would be my choice for sure.

  8. People blab about the first line a lot, but like to ignore the rest.


    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.



  9. The way I always heard it was "Horsepower is how fast you can hit the wall, but torque controls how far you take the wall with you"



    too many people make decisions off of stupid backwoods sayings (see this whole thread). try to understand the actual physics behind this stuff.

  10. gearing doesnt create torque, it just amplifies it.


    amplifying, creating, same shit - you're mincing words. my point is, it doesn't matter what the torque output of your engine is, you can make as much torque as you want with shorter gearing. An electric motor with 1/1000th of a ft pound can create 10,000,000 foot pounds with a big enough gear reduction. If torque was all that mattered you could put that in any car and go super fast, right?


    Torque deffinately plays a huge roll in how a car performs, but do i think its the end all, no.


    ultimately the most important thing is torque, at the wheels, at a certain speed. Horsepower is a nice way to summarize this.



    Like alot of guys have said, usually the higher up you can carry the tq curve the better off you will be.


    yeah, because the same torque at a higher rpm is more power.


    Take my car for example. I had always heard tq gets you moving, hp keeps you moving and the more power you have, the higher you will trap.


    I've heard a million variations on this. Its some good ole' boy hearsay, there's no truth to that whatsoever. torque does all the work. F=ma, its that simple. power at the engine represents your ability to create torque at the wheels at a vehicle speed. more power means more torque at higher speed.



    Problem with that is, my car made about 226 whp at 5900 rpm and 237 tq at about 4600 rpm. My car is a beast off the line (1.82 60' at trails), but it wont trap for shit.


    you probably have a short first gear, short rear end, good tires, making lots of torque at the wheels in the lower gears. but at the end of the day 226hp is kind of low and you cant make enough torque at the wheels at high speed to get a good trap.


    ps. im drunk but most of this shit i think is still true. if its noit ill fix it tomorrow.

  11. This a horrendously stupid post.


    Yes, the term "horsepower" as a unit may be arbitrary, but the idea of power, or work done in a period of time, is anything but arbitrary. When considering engine output the most important number is power, period. You want as much power as possible, everywhere. Torque can be created with gearing.

  12. I have been talking myself out of modifying the jeep for years. I was really just wanting to keep this as a reliable daily. But yes, I will likely wind up buying a high flow cat and cat back to replace this, depending on what the ins. co. says. I called the jeep dealership and with how the pipe is laid out and with the two pre cats that part is a $1637 part, not including labor. I doubt the ins. will be willing to go oem though, and if not it would not be worth a claim.


    Don't let them get you a non-OEM cat. I could go into way more detail then you'd ever care to hear, but they are not even comparable to OEM. It won't last as long, it won't work as well.

  13. We have an ecoboost Flex at work, it's super nice. With various people trying it out and likely doing plenty of wide open throttle, it's reading an average of 21.3 MPG.


    I have no idea about long term reliability yet, but based on what I've seen from under the hood, it wouldn't exactly be a pleasure to work on. However, the under engine tray is super pimp and pops off with just four thumb screws. Which I guess is handy.

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