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Posts posted by banzai

  1. tthis is my 2cents worth---I don't see it as a track problem, its an AMA problem. As a long time member and always at vintage days ( only missesd one, daughters wedding) this one was a disaster. no auction no event pins the vintage bike their giving away next year is a 2008 harley rocker Wtf is so vintage about that? I believe that Dingman is the problem, he fired the enthusiast and we the association are now run by money people. If we--the associaton don't get off our collective asses and do some complanin we can kiss this association goodby-----Banzai:eek:

  2. everyone can use a little education it will help you bad habits----as a 14 yr MSF instructor almost everone who takes the course, from noob to exprericenced ridersay that they learned some thing. also all of us are cool dudes& dudetts!!!!---Banzai

  3. hey all , new guy here. from N/W Ohio around Bowling Green I ride a 2003 Vee and I also have a 67 triumph and a 73 Z1 other assorted things in the barn I'm not sure about any more! iam an MSf instructor and also a CDL instructor. ( too much work not enough play) lookin foward to the forum and perhaps a ride or two---------Later

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