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Status Updates posted by socaln8tv

  1. No unfortunately....im overwhelmed with work and kids extracurriculars :(

  2. hey, how do you know that? they said it was an error but i never heard back from them. honestly i dont have time to hang on boards all day. i get into "one" that i like and thats enough...

  3. wow, moving to ga? im sure you'll find a new group of riders down there. its hard for me to get away. my apologies, truly. im sick since yesterday and have been in bed hybernating instead of out saying hello to my neighbors whom i havent seen for over a month. im really quite social and enjoy that sort of thing. but during the week, with my dh'swork and evening schedules, its not realistic.

  4. my daughter is the wild one, but ...that kind of compliment will get a girl by all week! ;)

  5. not sure you got my reply on your last question. looks like it was posted on my page... sorry for the goof. any how, lou adler is jack nicholsons bff -- he's the guys always sitting next to him with the hat and glasses. go lakers!! fans need to stand down... always an embarresment.

  6. love your profile pic! how ya doing? got back on dh's superhawk 1st time after drop.... hestitant, but necessary.

  7. hi there! just read your msg about the superhawk. it remains my greatest dillemma. but the torque-y-ness has become somewhat of an addiction for me. i love and hate this bike all the same.. hate only bc its so powerful and i can't touch ground.. luve it bc when im not on it, i want to be ;)

  8. lakers better bring it tomorrow!! ;)

  9. thanks for adding me !!

  10. lol...jack gets more air time during games than the team!!!

  11. thank you for adding me!

  12. The guy next to Jack is Lou Adler. Lou Adler is the owner of The Roxy Theatre in West Hollywood. He & Jack r bff.

  13. thank you sara for the kind offer. i guess your in/near cbus somewhere. my husband and i want to go to bike nite at hooters in hilliard one of these days. although we never understand the idea behind offering a discount on booze to bikers... yeah...thats a good one. i needs' me a ride home when im drinking!

  14. hi there! im home and just wanted to say hello. looking forward to spending some time back on the board

  15. :p like ya profile pic... lol
  16. hi sarah! having fun on your bike? i love having this site to check in on (in addition to the endless other social networks i have to support bc of my biz) This one is definetly the most fun. goin' camping this coming week in hociking hills on thurs and fri & r taking our bikes (and kids) it'll be fun, just hope it doesnt rain! i'll b sleeping n the back of my truck bc the campground called me & told me they SOLD US cabins that were not avail....on fathers day weekend too. i was a litle upset but we like this place and the people. wanted to say hello bc i'll leaving on biz and leisure for about 5 weeks. hope to make it back for honda homecoming (or im not sure what they are going to call it this year since the plant is closing/closed). not sure the presense i will have on the site while i am gone. thats why ill miss the girls ride i saw posted earlier this month. just wanted to pop n & say hello. what is new with you. have uhad a chance 2 meet any people n person?

  17. too funny! ha ha! lol -- you would be correct on a few of these housewives...

  18. hey, thanks for adding me! btw, 2nd from left is one of my best friends! ;)

  19. hi andrea. took me a day or two to find the swing of things on here. got some great advice from caspar by contacting him for help on the set up of the profile. he reminded me to intro myself. there really are nice people here but it is a site dominated largely by men. i get on well w/everyone and tend to let stuff ride cause im just not that serious unless its about my kids or my business. sorry you got so much shit for not doing the intro sooner. i go alot to the ladies only site, but i enjoy straying all over when i can too. btw, im kimberly and still rather new. but i like the site, im new to riding, and am getting my endorsement end of this month since i got a bike in may.

  20. hey there! great pics you posted... thanks for your discretion on that one. hope you are feeling better today!

  21. good meeting you on saturday night! i was told you do all the individual pics.. had i known, i would have had u grab one of me! i enjoyed mixing it up and talking with you. have a good one!

  22. friday night sounds like fun at bar louie and martini park :p. it won't be a late night however, gotta be @ work for a 12 hour sat am.....

  23. yota - brenda is one of those girls that has aged quite gracefully!! i have a handfull of close friends that are dramatically very beautiful, her being one. she would be flattered!

  24. nice to finally put a face to the screen name! good meeting you. great story on pittsburg btw!

  25. u were hilarious at the halloween party! good to meet you and your thrillbilly brother! oh and thanks for meeting me at the door, it was nice welcoming party...;)

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