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Status Updates posted by Cypress

  1. I was told to change it by many people...so I did. ;)

  2. I'll be there. Keep me posted.

  3. I'm going to rent a trailer. A co-worker has a truck to drag it back.

  4. I'm having issues with it. It's bummin' me out.

  5. I'm not even going to entertain you with a reply to that one.

  6. Liability only. Justin said it can be fixed if I'm willing to put in some money. I might have to if I want to sell it for a decent amount next spring.

  7. Love the avatar.

  8. Maybe you should of had Jeff help you get the bike out of the garage. ;)

  9. Mommy let you out of the house? I was sure you'd be grounded for stayin' out so late.

  10. Nope, you're profile pic isn't ghey at all. :lol:

  11. Not just yet. Sadly, I still have a few more months to go. :(

  12. Oh, gawd. Was I supposed to put a comma? Damn english classes.

  13. Oh? LoL ...and how's that working out for you?

  14. OMG! Shut up. LoL!

  15. Somebody gave me neg rep for my creepy avatar. lol

  16. That really sucks. Are you okay...is the bike?

  17. That's what I was aiming for. I like the spooky scary kind. Plus, it's in season!

  18. That's what I was going for. Should I change it to something more...cute. Maybe something with rainbows and bufferflies perhaps? ;)

  19. Unsure. I know as much as you do. You could always get it raised to the factory height though. I would jump on this deal if I had the money. Oh well.

  20. What?! You want people to laugh, point at me and call me a pansy?

  21. What's up, man? Did you make it out to the party?

  22. Why the hell are you online? Get to Ben & Carrie's!!!

  23. Yeah, the name totally threw me off for a second.

  24. Yet again, another hot avatar.

  25. You coming out tonight?

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