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Posts posted by QuikZX9R

  1. I rode on 2 ohio-winers rides the first one was actually a decent ride but we ditched the majority of the group and just the fast riders did 536. The second ride I wasted a good half hour of my life on a shitty ride led by a cruiser. But I am sure littlerod dave's tractor is super fast all 83 horsepower. I have over 19,000 miles on my 08 10R I had over 16,000 on my 04 10R, I have 49,000on my 9R and I had over 17,000 on my 6R but yeah I am a squid and they dont last so you'll have to do some of your ohio-retards math and get that to not add up to over 100,000 miles? But you guys do have way more posts so thats gotta mean you are better riders. But anyways I'll let you guys get back to jacking off while you talk about how good you think you are.

  2. Sorry didn't get back I was actually out riding yesterday. I know you guys will probably rip me up cause I let riding get it the way of sitting on the computer talking about how awesome gear is. Are you guys sitting in front of your computer in your gear? So dragging knee is squidly? Dammit that all makes sense now Valentino Rossi, Eboz, Duhammel, Eddie Lawson all total squids. They are just going to ruin their sweet gear getting a knee down. Maybe you should contact them and explain how if they want to be cool they should sit in front of their computers all day and talk about riding but not actually do any riding. So how do you guys jerk of with your sweet one piece racing gear on while you post meaningless replies?

  3. Just thought this was funny haven't been following the ohio-riders poser group much but a friend who logs on to get a good laugh told me to check this thread out. 25% of you losers don't speed at all thats a laugh even the slowest of 600's will do 160ish guess all your gear must be weighting you down. But at least if you can look fast with all your gear on even if you don't know how to ride right? Your site is funny and on the past couple rides I have been on, ohio-riders has been a pretty good source of jokes so keep up the ignorant posts (does every post need 8 follow up posts of lol or rofl or some smiley face) and keep setting up rides nobody bothers to attend.

  4. Pretty much normal but only one person even said anything about the would you rat your friend out question. I really hope I dont get banned where would I go to get all my motorcycling questions answered as good as here? Why did you post the two comments together assjunkie? Neither one of them says I advocate running? I just know how many people on the street run and if I had to estimate I would say 40 to 50% of people have run at sometime yet on here nobody seems to be able to admit there are pros and cons of running. Nowhere do I say I advocate running.

  5. I never said I was advocating running, I just asked if anybody had heard of it. I never even said I ran myself. It is as Walther said, a risk assesment that needs to be made by each rider in each situation. But so many on here just want to be close minded and blindly follow the laws. How about if you are riding with one of your friends doing 75 down the highway (I know you are too good to go 10mph over the speed limit but say, for arguements sake you where) and a statie tries to pull the both of you over, you being the perfect law abiding straight up citizen you are pull over but he runs. The statie pursues your friend but even after he leaves you sit along the road waiting for him to come back. If he eventually came back would you rat out your friend? There you are faced with either GASP breaking the law (I believe the charge is impeding an official police investigation) or showing your true color and ratting out a supposed friend what kind of person are you?

  6. You didnt say what the circumstances where, was there heavy or any other traffic, was it bright and clear, if he got away nobody can say it didn't work out for him atleast that time. If there was no traffic for miles and it was a bright sunny day what does it matter which way he was running. I don't know the circumstances and either you also dont know, or you arent sharing.

  7. So did the blue Kaw that ran get away? Don't know the situation but sounds like since you didn't say anything about what ticket he got or that he crashed, he got away. So no ticket versus whatever they where going to pull him over for good thing he ran.

  8. As safely as you can involves not starting the bike up. The act of riding down the road in dangerous no matter now safe to try to ride. So back to the question is has anybody had any experiences with helicopter or know of people that have ran and gotten away. The police are not going to let it out when somebody gets away so it has to be spread through word of mouth.

  9. So when did you ride with me that I complained about you wearing gear? But anyway its nice that I asked a simple question and everybody just avoided it. I am sure there are those on here that actually ride their bikes like they where meant to be ridden lets hear from them and less from the people that spend more time typing about their bikes than riding them.

  10. I have went down in gear and without gear before and road rash hurts but only for a couple of days however riding in the heat with gear on is painful every time I do it. So really painful for a little bit or a little pain for a short time thats an easy decision. Dont see why so many people want to make it their life's calling to make sure everybody wears gear. Its a personal choice. You don't hear the people who dont wear gear trying to shove that down peoples throats.

  11. So has anybody down there ran from a copter? I started doing research on the matter most law enforcement agencies use the same model helicopter and it can do like 120mph in a straight line. If you can hit a highway that is mostly straight the ability to go in a straight line would be lost with the copter. Even the 600's now are capable of getting into the 160's it should be possible to loose them.

  12. Yeah I would like someone to demonstrate the brake in a tank slapper. I have been in 6 tank slappers in the last 8 years. The minor ones where scary the major ones where just a blur. On the big ones the bike is shaking so hard it knocks your legs out from the bike so they are dangling in the wind. Every tank slapper I have been I have powered out of. In the different articles I have read they have all said power out hopefully you have enough power or are in a low enough gear to pull all the weight off the front wheel which will stop it the quickest.

  13. Maybe someone else who has more experience with this could chime in but even if the vavle was shut as far as it would go it should run best at an idle like this becuase thats where its supposed to be. Restricted exhuast makes more torque a free flowing exhuast makes more horsepower thats the point of the valve so you can have the best of both worlds. The valve will not completely block off the exhuast even at full closed.

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