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Sal Paradise

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Everything posted by Sal Paradise

  1. That was simply amazing! Thanks for sharing. Sal
  2. ???? Sorry - I thought this was the Canton ride thread? Did I do something wrong?
  3. Thank you for the info - I'll be honest I don't know some or most of the hand/foot signs. Where can I study up on these so when I do decide to d one I can be somewhat prepared? It's looking like tomorrow may not be a good thing just yet. I don't want to make an arse of myself - and I'm still being extra cautious on the bike with the new meds I'm on for my back. So if you'd be so kind to help with the hand/foot signs I'd like to try and learn a bit. Thank you very much. Sal
  4. The timing may work out for me if I can get some things done in the morning but to be honest I'm a little intimidated by group rides.... I've never done one and don't really know what to expect or what it's like. Heck I don't even ride with a buddy - I've always riden solo. What should one expect on a group ride? Sal
  5. Agreed - and the center of the load as mentioned before looks like it should be shifted a bit. Other than that the strength should be fine but could be a little more robust on the vertical legs - of course if the bolts are snug the bike becomes par tof the structure but the rotation would be limited. Alas - if you like it - use it. And that's a great avatar "that dude" !!!! I don't normally like them so...."healthy" but that one seems to do the trick for me! LOL! Sal
  6. Doesn't look bad but if that's a 10mm bolt on the swing arm it could be 1/2" steel. It looks like solid bar though. And tubing is stronger than bar so the ones purchased would likely be stronger. I don't care for the weight load being so close the end of it - but this is common on a lot of the ones I've seen so who knows. I plan on making one for the my bike this weekend so maybe I'll get some pics up if it turns out any good. Sal
  7. Sal Paradise


    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about pressure! Sal
  8. Sal Paradise


    This is killling me!!!!!!!! And I;m not a huge cavs fan! Sal
  9. Thanks for the props on the screen name! In the pic it's hard to tell but that is an actual horse saddle! It looked like it was even held down in front by a yellow bungee cord. I didn't think to go back and grab another picture after breakfast with the good camera and I honestly don't have any idea what make/model it was at one time but the front wheel looks a lot like the 82 Yamaha Maxim I had but the motor does not. I think it's cobbled together for the most part. Sal
  10. You guys truly bring a smile to my face! "ankle sock" I love it! Thanks! I needed that today. Sal
  11. EDIT: I didn't realize there was a PIC/VID sub-forum. If this needs to be moved - much appreciated...Sal Thought I'd share this - Saw it on the way to breakfast at Perkins in Hudson this morning. The true meaning of in the "saddle" of a "naked" bike! Sorry for the crappy camera phone pic - I was at a stop light and didn't think to reach back and grab the Nikon. Sal
  12. Same here! Can't say enough about Lou or Joe Lococo (brothers) and great guys! I looked at the 1400 at least 6 times before buying. Never felt any pressure and the price was right. I'm sure if someone looked around enough there could be better deals had but I priced Roush out in Medina and they had a used one exactly like the new one I got for $1500 more on the sticker. Sal
  13. Wow!! Thanks everyone. Can't say I expected much more than a "HI" or two. Nice site everyone! Sal
  14. I admit -- I rode without gear today. In fact I rode in shorts, tank top and running shoes. Yes - it's true. Sadly enough I'm a few blocks from the metro park I run at and I chance it on way there. Simply don't want to have to change out of jeans and leather boots and jacket, lock it all up on the bike somehow. I know if' I'm that close i could run there - I'm running anyway - Right? Well, I'll claim laziness and shin splints so no running on pavement. Flame away..... Sorry all - just being honest. Though anything more than that ride to the part and it's as much gear as I have - though I sadly need a decent pair of boots for a wider foot - - size 11.5-12 HINT HINT!!! And much to the disagreement of a lot of folks I don't classify a squid simply by lack of gear. A squid can be fully geared wearing leathers - it's the lack of respect, any concern for anyone but their reckelss riding and attitude on the public streets that classify a squid - not simply a lack of gear - though they more times than not go hand in hand. I would not consider myself or anyone else a squid for riding 15-20 mph in the neighboorhood being respectful and caustious simply because they were wearing less than full gear. But like anything else everyone has their own opinion. Ride sensily and safe - not a squid - regardless of what they're wearing. That's personal choice. Ride like an arse - pulling a wheelie on the public roads, passing on the shoulder, stoppies and burnouts = squid Sal
  15. Sal Paradise


    I just watched the last of it on TNT on the net. They better get their SH!T straight or they'll lose a lot of resepct and I can see Lebron moving out. They need this series and cahmpionship very badly. Sal
  16. Hey all - I came across this from someone mentioning it at sportbikes.net so I figured I check it out. I'm from the Akron area and thought if it's an Ohio board I may as well jump in. Though I don't post much, I'll have a small flurry of activity from time to time Other than that - Don't have much to say other than HI. Maybe it's the huge cookout food hangover! Sal
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