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Mr Anderson

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Status Updates posted by Mr Anderson

  1. i will buy it in the winter time. How much for it?

  2. I will let you know when my dept is hiring again. Don't worry Were hiring in another week or so.

  3. John you going to bike night tonight at hilliard hooters. I will be there at 9:30pm if you want to see my bike.

  4. Let me know. We need to get a huge group of 250s together.

  5. lol your right/ wasn't really thinking about the direction at the time.

  6. lol. What was going to happen in the first place? Were you keeping it or selling it? I love your bike and mods but I'm broke right now. I will buy it once I sell my car.

  7. Long time no see. I have been off this forum for some time now but I'm back on it. A lot of people are gone.

  8. Maybe but I think I am heading to the bars on friday night. Not sure If I can wake up that early after drinking.

  9. me too. what about call of duty? sloth wars.

  10. Nevermind I just read your thread. I can go if it is past nine.

  11. Nice meeting you today.

  12. Nice ninja. I got mine at the beginning of June.

  13. Nice. I'm done with buying video games lol. I have 55 360 games and I spent over 5000 on video games and stuff.

  14. No I don't think we have met yet. You seemed like pretty cool person so I sent you fr.

  15. No, sorry about that you got me mixed up with someone else.

  16. Nope but I heard about it.

  17. nope we got a warning because whodey passed someone on a double line.

  18. Not today. I was at work.

  19. off of 161 at the udf at hamiton road at like noon.

  20. Ok I will be on tonight. I will try hardcore. send me a msg.

  21. Ok so when did your name get changed back?????????

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