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Everything posted by KZ900
Whats really strange is that when I tell people to stop texting the common response is you should not ride a motorcycle. I always think to myself what a fucking idiot. magley64 I hope your thoughts on texting and driving are just trolling. If not you are really a selfish and unsafe individual. Off topic: The CBR 1100xx is one of the great bikes of all time.
You might want to watch this magley64. And those of you that thought I was out of line and too hard on the original poster. These family's would most likely think different.
Did you clean it prior to your first trip to the range?
Fact: Every day 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented just by showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of these instances is the gun ever actually fired.122 Fact: Washington D.C. has essentially banned gun ownership since 1976 and has a murder rate of 56.9 per 100,000. Across the river in Arlington, Virginia, gun ownership is less restricted. There, the murder rate is just 1.6 per 100,000, less than three percent of the Washington, D.C. rate.127
Epoxy grout is very tough to clean up. If you get it on anything you have to clean it immediately. Make sure whoever does the job has used it before.
I hope you have a concealed gun and a buddy.
But magley64 has super texting powers. He told me so and it must be true. Because he said so. And what ever he says goes.
You also neglect to mention its illegal. But again you determine what is right for you. Because you say so. Laws, common sense, and others safety do not apply the the Great magley64 because his infamous record of driving says so. If he says his record is perfect he will not and can not be made to follow common human law. It is the Law According to magley64. Please bow in his presence THE WORLDS GREATEST TEXTER AND DRIVER! He sees through his eyelids while he reads. I am pretty sure he was bit by a spider which has given him special powers. He is the most interesting man in the world. He actually invented texting.
She does it all the time and does not listen to her husband. So what you are saying is that a fit mother tailgates and texts after countless warnings from her husband. Not only is she unsafe she knows whats best for her and the unborn child. She like magley is so good at texting and driving they have determined whats right for them. Of course until she rear ends a guy on 270. magley can do it so long as he does not hit someone. Because he knows whats best for him. And when he hits someone he will find some excuse to justify it. What are we supposed to tell these people as they get behind the wheel of a car? Be careful texting and tailgating? Its OK if you Fuck up and hit someone its just a simple mistake Honey try not to do it again. Maybe next time she can add a couple beers. She knows her limit. This is not foolish activity or a mistake it is a deliberate decision to do what she wanted after countless warnings FROM HER HUSBAND! Did I read the original post correctly? Am I missing something? Would you let this person drive your children or your pregnant wife around? Would you want her tailgating you. Its OK she knows best for you don't worry she wont hit you trust me.........OOPS $6000 in damage. If she or magley was doing something that only endangered themselves I would not have issue. This is not the case. And I am The FUCKTARD! Not the ones breaking the law and endangering others.
You made my point exactly. You can do whatever you want and its ok because you have determined that you are the best so its ok.
Anytime you want to have a one on one sermon just send me a pm. Maybe I could be a key speaker at your next meet and greet.
You text and drive and its ok because you say it is. You are a good enough driver and its just fine for you because you say so. .You are exactly the type of completely selfish individual I am referring to. You could care less about anyone but yourself. Then when you are called on it you come up with all types of scenarios to feebly justify your dangerous behavior. Its all about you and what your going to do. Not the safety of others. Open your eyes and drive down the road. Its not tough to determine who is texting on the road before you even pull up along side them and see them Head Down Texting Away? Its everywhere and its out of control. Man Up and lead by example and do whats right. Its a very black and white issue with no grey area. Don't text and drive. Just Drive and Pay attention. If you don't sooner or later that extra second or two that you were looking away is going to Fuck something up. Get enough people doing it and the chance of a Fuck up is increased. The OP is about texting and tailgating when 38 weeks pregnant in a construction zone not speeding, running stop signs, eating or other forms of stupid driving.
I stick by my responses. I guess to some I was too direct and straight up. If calling a texter an idiot is over the top we have really become soft. There is little room for error when driving. People know what is right and wrong but many today have decided there going to do what they want because its all about them and not the other guy. Even if its at the risk of others. We live in selfish times. How many time have you turned on your signal to change lanes and the guy in that lane speeds up and refuses to let you in? Guy in the fast lane poking and keeping you in the trucks blind spot with 10 cars behind. Why do they do this? Because they want you to know they are in control and could care less about safety. I think you are right in the fact that woman are the biggest violators. But that no excuse. Sorry but I think you have to be firm and direct. Whats worse pointing a gun at someone or texting and driving. I just don't see it as an accident. Picking up the phone and reading when you should be watching the road is a choice. A Husband needs to be a Man and make sure his family is inline and acts responsibly. Sets good examples and leads by them. Same with a Wife. If her Husband is driving like an idiot she needs to call him out on it and stand by it. My Daughter was tailgating at one point in her driving. I warned her. Then about a week later I am on the freeway behind her by chance and she was unaware of me behind. She was tailgating again. When we got home the conversation was not pretty and she walking to school and business only for a month. The selfishness is getting worse everyday. As a whole Americans justify bad behavior more everyday instead of calling it out. Look at the responses here. I called out bad, selfish driving habits and was attacked and called Jesus. Amazing. Then when I asked what they would do in the same situation.......More Jesus and atheism. It was easier to attack then answer the questions. madcat I was not attacking your Wife. I was attacking bad behavior. Hopefully she has learned her lesson after doing thousands of dollars in damage, traffic tickets, wrecking the day for the guy she hit, scaring the hell out of you leaving you to wonder if she is just going to stop doing it for now and start texting and tailgating in the future, and endangering the gift of life of the inside her. What scares me is you have told her countless time and she did not listen. Is this what it took to sink in? I bet you hope so. Bad selfish behavior has no place in my home and family. I set the bar pretty high in my world. Its the role I took when I became a Man, Husband, Father, and now recent Grandfather.
Again I ask what was out of line with my response? What would you tell your Wife? What would you tell your Daughter? When you refer to rolling through a stop sign is that by mistake or when its clear? Do you purposely drive with your lights off or did you just forget to turn them on? When you text and drive you make a conscious decision to endanger others. Its not a mistake. You have determined that your text is worth risking someones life and your own. Making you more important than others. It is a completely selfish act. Doing so at the risk of others. You shrug it off as no big deal. But tell me how many close calls on your bike you have had because some tool is texting? Have you changed the way you ride because you have to make adjustments for these idiots that could care less about your life while they weave about and cut people off and drift from lane to lane? Had the car in front of her been you on your bike most likely you would still be in traction or dead. She waits one more second and that airbag goes off on the Baby. Texting and driving is serious shit. Making some BS statement about me being God Like is Crazy. Trying to defend stupidity by saying everyone does it flat out wrong. Texting and driving makes me wonder if I should park my bike everyday. I am right .....She is wrong and dangerous.....If she were my Wife she would not text and drive again. Why the hell would you need a app to shut your phone down when driving? Shut the damn thing off or leave it alone. Pull over and stop somewhere safe when you hear the little noise. I bet her husband is going to love the increase in car insurance of 4 or 5 hundred dollars a year for the next couple. Mighty expensive text message. Could have been a lot more expensive. when you turn water into wine, does it take more concentration than texting on a smartphone? One of the stupidest statements ever.
Please tell me what was wrong with my post? I would say the same thing about some idiot speeding through traffic, purposely running stop signs, or idiot driving in low light conditions without lights on. I am the idiot here and not the Wife, Mother to be, and Daughter of someone whose lives would be crushed because she was so selfish as to tailgate and text. PLEASE STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR BAD BEHAVIOR! If it were my Wife I would be very upset and a long talk about being responsible would take place. Heck it would have taken place before the third time I told her to stop tailgating. I sure as hell would not have told her countless times. How long till she starts the stupid stuff again? She has been told countless times and it didn't sink it. Would you let her drive your children around?
I am glad the baby is ok. She should lose her license and her mother card. Sounds like she is too immature to drive or be a Mom. Seriously what type of idiot texts and tailgates while they are pregnant and due any minute. I guess she will have to kill someone to learn. Did she hurt the person she hit and are they suing you? If they do is she going to admit she was texting?
I would not ride with them. Armature hour.
I parked my bikes when my Daughter was 8 and did not ride for almost 18 years. Then bought a bike so my Daughter could ride with me when sh was 24. At 26 she decided to give me a Grandson. Now she cannot ride with me anymore. Personally I think riding when you have children under 17 or so is just too dangerous. I opted to be a Dad during that time frame. Children are the greatest gift ever. Good luck on your new ride in life. It goes pretty fast. You blink and they are 25.
Motorcycle Rider Gets Rammed By Car He Was Harrasing
KZ900 replied to obesityrules's topic in Pics and Vids
I love it when the grammar Nazis mess up. Take the hit don't blame the hone. -
Motorcycle Rider Gets Rammed By Car He Was Harrasing
KZ900 replied to obesityrules's topic in Pics and Vids
You mean comma I guess. -
Motorcycle Rider Gets Rammed By Car He Was Harrasing
KZ900 replied to obesityrules's topic in Pics and Vids
Got exactly what he deserved. Amazing people can be so stupid.