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Everything posted by dementedF3

  1. Why thank you. It took a little ingenuity and some good ol guess work but im happy with it. It runs so damn good i hated selling it just cuz it was ugly LOL
  2. sometimes you just gotta say NO! My wife tries to pull the no helmet crap cuz it'll mess up her hair or some BS so i just tell her were driving then. After a few close calls i have had there is no way i'll let her on without gear!
  3. well beside's the "issues" we encountered i sure had a blast. can't wait till it can happen again. it was nice meeting all you guys and gals. That fucktard that threw the bottle should been beat. I was behind the Duc when it came flying, crazy shit. Wish we coulda got someone on the ground videoing everyone going over the JUMP LOL I know i got some good air and so did the Daytona in front of me. A little unexpected but fun!!
  4. Well guess thats only funny to the few that listen to bob and tom LOL. Anywho, Just wanted to say HI to everyone. My name is Marques ( like marcus) i ride a yellow freak of a F3. I heard about you guys from my buddy MattKatz and met some of you this morning for the ride here through dayton. Hope to hit up some more rides and events and get to know you all better.
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