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Everything posted by hondaruss

  1. Thanks Bud. I am working on another peace some of the guys might like. Called the "display of power" its a flywheel with pistons, rods and other things showing the flow of power. once its done ill have to post it for you guys!
  2. Thank you sir. It was a fun car. I sold it to a kid in Toledo ( bad mistake) three days later I got a pic of the car with the front end wrapped around a pole. I turned the boost controller off when i sold it and told him i wasnt gonna tell him how to turn it up. He found out how decided to go out and do a full boost run (23psi). He side it spun through 85mph caught the crown the road and shot him off in to the ditch. Its a shame 3 years down the drain.
  3. Here are some pics of cars i have had as requested. like i say nothing to call home about. I've have more cars then that but it was when i was younger and went through a ricer stage.. (shamefully admits) http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2640/62/96/516396799/n516396799_2272439_2624974.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs043.snc3/13069_194591156799_516396799_3950393_6519482_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v182/62/96/516396799/n516396799_592005_4694.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v182/62/96/516396799/n516396799_592006_5942.jpg 424hp 283 tq 23 psi 93 oct. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-ash1/v172/62/96/516396799/n516396799_591964_1816.jpg This is what i use to do unstil a recent injury ended that hobby. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs538.ash1/31536_425943861799_516396799_5459033_6537730_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs637.snc3/31986_434769831799_516396799_5698310_702696_n.jpg ANd just for the heck of it since im posting pics the lamp i made http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs217.ash2/48059_467628481799_516396799_6574689_5916797_n.jpg
  4. I will have to agree to that to a point, With anywhere anyone lives it is what you make it to be. There are some nice things about lima. But on the other hand there is alot more bad about the city now adays.
  5. Howdy, new guy from lima, about 1.5 hrs NW of Cbus. I am a older honda guy. I like anything fast and done right. I built a few cars nothing to write home about. anyway lookin forward to maybe meet up with some people in the cbus area. -russ
  6. You can go on there website put in all your information it will tell you what the set the healer at. my cbr was -1 +3 i was to set it at .21 here is alink to the site. http://www.healtech-electronics.com/ go to products and downloads. Put in your bike ..after putting in your bike in the lower right of the screen youll see online calculator put in your info they ask it will giver the percentage and voila no more guessing .
  7. Its not a bad site. quite interesting really. Yes for sure gets insane but you'll have that one these kinds of boards i guess. anyway thanks for all the welcomes! for sure!
  8. Thanks Ben. Over all the site seems pretty sweet. Minus a few things. But i would like to meet some of yea. Do some cruises and some meets. The people That know me personally know i am a good guy that would help them out anytime day or night. Personal attacks just dont fly with me especially if you dont know me. Just for the record i am 6'4 286 lbs weighed my self today. And i am by far NOT a flab assed 280 lbs. But anyay.. Thanks for the welcome to the board!
  9. Yepp your right.. lies allll lies .. i dont have anything to prove to you pal.. but just so you know i took this pics about 4 minutes ago. but remember its all lies man.. lies lies lies. as for giving up naa. just eliminating a thread that would go on fo days of useless nonsense e-thuggin.. lets all remember your right. im wrong. problem solved. as for a junk r1. everyone is entitled to there opinion.. so if you say its junk.. well then its junk.. remember your right.
  10. Well my "new" r1 is a 2004. and the zx10 is a 08.. which both bikes are currently sitting in my garage at the moment. But i am going to end this potential argument right now : I suck at life..your awesome.. Im wrong...your right. There its over.
  11. Mike i have met you more then once.. as for the quick judgment.. ah yes the mohawk morons...never no mention of "i hope its not the same group of mohawk morons" first indication is our group.. so yea i did jump the gun.. as the the ban. that was to get you to respond. The ban is off now. i knew you would guess it was me... but anyway.. we both been in a bad situation involving accidents and use things in memory of ones life... ours would be the hawks. you memory of your guy is the braclet... His grave site has this sitting there by the head stone: Anyway.. its over and done. no hard feelings.
  12. well assuming you dont know the story.. Let me help you out... your first thinking of the wrong group... you thinking of the FIRST set of dumb asses that wore them... As for us this is why we had them.. he was the first in the group ot have one to stand out.. he was wearing it when he died and we wear them in honor of him.. sooo this is the reason we wear them.. And alittle side note. i see nothing has changed with you. Ignorant comments and negative words.. Shows the ones true self.
  13. Yess sir that would be ol ben boy. I just got done riding with him about a hour ago. lol i get called rusty all the time.. people hardly call me russ lol.. the last honda i had was 424 hp lol ask been about it. he seen some good footage and all that fun stuff.
  14. yessum!! this is actually daily for us. really nothing less then 6 or so in a pack usually gets up around 15-25 ish
  15. Hey yea all whats crackin! welp my bud ben (benitora somthing like that) told me about the site .stopped buy checked out the funny pic thread and i am wtill wiping tears from my eyes some funny stuff going on in there. Anyway names Rusty.. im from lima.. im a rider of many bikes.. bikes had so far.. were 2001 f4i, 2002 f4i, 2003 cbr 600rr, 2004 r1, another 2004 r1, fzr1000, gl1000, I am currently on a 2004 R1.. some mods are. Graves v stacks, K&n filter. Graves Exhaust, intigrated taillight, frame sliders, Renthal Gears -1 +2, Graves cams with slotted cam sprokets... windscreen and some other little things. Site looks good hope get to meet some of yea in the future.. Thanks Russ Ps. here are some pics of our rides
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