Hey yea all whats crackin! welp my bud ben (benitora somthing like that) told me about the site .stopped buy checked out the funny pic thread and i am wtill wiping tears from my eyes some funny stuff going on in there. Anyway names Rusty.. im from lima.. im a rider of many bikes.. bikes had so far.. were 2001 f4i, 2002 f4i, 2003 cbr 600rr, 2004 r1, another 2004 r1, fzr1000, gl1000, I am currently on a 2004 R1.. some mods are. Graves v stacks, K&n filter. Graves Exhaust, intigrated taillight, frame sliders, Renthal Gears -1 +2, Graves cams with slotted cam sprokets... windscreen and some other little things. Site looks good hope get to meet some of yea in the future.. Thanks Russ Ps. here are some pics of our rides