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Posts posted by djisle

  1. not to worry this is the last post from me

    i am repaying the loans

    i already took my OR stickers off my bike so no one has to worry about me repping them the wrong way and i hope the best for everyone and hope you all blow up tobe big and have every rider in ohio on here and ya'll represent for ohio

  2. Yeah ok luna whatever...btw I'm taking all the music I gave u off that hard drive....I gave it I can take it...and btw I'll give u one thing and that is I shouldn't have spent money on the bike oh well its mine now....and shit bag ummm come up with something better u cum guzzling gutter slut or backdoor whore whatever u are and yes my parents to but watch who u talk about...I don't have a dad and my brother is a little slow retarted is describing urself u fucking dumbass I can call him that cuz he's my brother but I swear dude tread lightly when u talk about my family I don't have a lot left but dude seriously ur a dumbass for talking about my family

  3. Atleast I have something to show for what my parents set aside for me and I actually take pride in what I have and white trash is potlitically incorrect its redneck I didn't grow up in trash pile trailer like u...I mean it kinda shows look what u drive

  4. atleast i don't have some no name 200 for a bike regardless of gas milealge mine doesn't sound like a lawn mower is about to die and my pickup doesn't have a whole in the floorboard and none of my cars have over 75,000 on them

  5. Wow I wake up and the drama explodes when non of u OR people had nothing to do with it wow ...I'm really sorry lunatik has to be like that but this has nothing to do with any of u I just wish he would keep it between me and him and not drag everyone else into it

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