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Everything posted by Vespa4Lyfe

  1. I am.. my company routes all internet usage through their headquarters so IT can monitor us. kinda like a proxy server
  2. Thanks for the welcome.. but.. i have a moped. there's a clear difference between me and a lowlife scooter owner. I have to pedal to get started - those lazy bums just push a button!!!!!
  3. Vespa4Lyfe


    I do have a sense of humor.. i think my legit joining of the website is being lumped in with all these scrubs. I'm gonna riot soon.
  4. Vespa4Lyfe


    I'll race you too. JESTER
  5. Vespa4Lyfe


    Don't make me race you.
  6. Woah woah. I just moved to Ohio about a month ago - I was trying to find fellow riders to roll with.
  7. Vespa4Lyfe


    that's because you can't be an in-joke.. you can be apart of one.. unless you're saying you're the joke.. which just means you're making fun of yourself?
  8. Vespa4Lyfe


    Man you all are a bunch of meanieheads.
  9. Vespa4Lyfe

    Duff <

    Yeah - You newbs are teerribleeee.
  10. Vespa4Lyfe


    Welcome! I'm new to the forum too rev. We should meet up!
  11. Hey all - checkin in from Adelphi. I look forward to meeting up with some of you for some rides.
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