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Status Updates posted by Tbone9191

  1. hey bud. made it down safe. Right side shock flew off when I was in Gerogia and had to get towed the rest of the way to Florida. Good shit. Got the shock replaced now just trying to fix the wiring to the brake light.

  2. Hey man, saw I missed a call a few days ago? Anything up or just trying to chat? I was at work and totally forgot to hit you back! My fault!

  3. Hope you well man, give me a call sometime. Would like to catch up.

  4. How was the install on those? Also, how do you "rake" the forks?

  5. How's the project going?

  6. I actually might be in for that. I have to talk to my wife to make sure I don't have anything else going on. What time? What is Jeds?

  7. I am getting the billski light next week. And I dont want to chow the fender due to the whole if I go through a puddle I will get soaked thing. And all I ever see is chopped fenders I want to see something different.

  8. I am going to do it ASAP. I went for a ride on Sunday, only about 150miles and I was feeling it big time. How much did you have in it?

    Let me know what to get and I will make sure I have everything and then we can set something up!

  9. I am open to suggestions. I just need to make it there. How I get the really doesn't matter.

  10. I did moose. They were really nice. Thanks for the post.

  11. I have a small front fender that is bare metal. Its about 21 inches from front to back maybe less and about 4 inches from side to side just want it gloss black. Any idea on how much that would run me?

  12. I know, I was almost hit today on the way home from work and all the dude did was wave like a dumb ass and keep driving like no biggie. They just don't get it.

  13. I might have to stop by if I can. Its a little hard to commit with my son and all, but if the wife says she doesn't mind I am there for sure.

  14. I think I am going to make it. Do I need to wear a helmet? I have not yet had a chance (or the extra money) to go get one.

  15. I will for sure. Its hard with a 3 month old to do much extra but I am almost done with Golf League and should be able to go up to bike night more after that. I have to do most of my stuff on the weekend when there is more time to get to see my boy and got out. Meet and greet for sure though!

  16. I'm so sorry I missed it. I just woke up 11:26AM. My 3 month old had me up at 2 until about 6 and once I passed out my wife said there was no getting me up. I am really sorry to have committed and not showed.

    I really feel bad man. I hope I didn't screw anything up for you too bad.

  17. if I were to hold off a bit longer how long would u be riding with?

  18. Just got back from the test drive and I love it man! Just what I needed. Have to take a long ride before I give it the full review but as of now.. you da man!

  19. Just realized I sound like a pleading bitch. Sorry bout that.

  20. let me know what's going on on saturday.

  21. Let me know when. Are you a distance rider or not? I have a few people from the board that are trying to get a ride out of state going on sometime soon. If you are interested I will be sure to let you in on the details once we have them all set up!

  22. Love that headlight. I want mine to look like that. Is the rear tire a hard mod? How much?

  23. Man that's real good of you but I couldn't do that. Just wouldn't feel right. Thanks a lot for the offer though. I will see you Saturday morning.

  24. no i have a feeling this is how me and Lance are going to get along. hes a shithead and so am i should be great. But if he crosses that line i know who to call for the ass whooopin now. Hahaha watch ur back Whezl

  25. Not sure if I missed ur call but make sure u leave a VM if I don't answer and I'll get back to u asap.

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