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Status Updates posted by Tbone9191

  1. So is there going to be a ride Saturday?

  2. so wht r ur plans sunday? The wife was wanting to ride for a bit and maybe grab some food. Lance said he was in and suggesed cooking out. Unfortunatley I dont have the space for that but I would still be up for eating out or something. Also, were u serious about that windsheild? I want one so let me know.

  3. So, after looking at the pics of your seat build and testing the seat out myself it looks like I will be going forward with this myself. If you have any do's and don't let me know. I might also have you here while I attempt it (if you're available and willing).

    I left a response on the Shadow Riders about the group rides regarding the party. Sounds like a good time to me. Hopefully I can talk the wife into coming as well!

  4. Sorry I missed your call. I tried to hit you up later that same day but got the VM. I will give you a call this week. Hit me up if you think of it. When is the best time to call?

  5. Sorry to bother but just bought a 21" harley front wheel. Where did u go to get axle turned down?

  6. Sounds like a blast. Have fun and stay safe.

  7. Swear I am not rushing you, take as much time as you could possibly need. I am getting JETHOT to do my pipes and they are asking me for when I am planning on having the pipes to them. If you have no idea, that is more than fine. Figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

  8. Thanks man. Great news

  9. Thanks man. Great news

  10. That is sweet, let me know what you want for it.

  11. That's cool man. I thought I pissed someone off cause no one was Getting back to me. Hit me up sometime soon. U should have my number. I was thinking about heading down to the bike show this weekend. U going?

  12. thats cool man just let me know when u can.

  13. The system wouldn't allow me to send another private message for another 7 hours for some reason. That would be great though. Let me know when I can get it and I am there.

  14. Thinking about just cutting off the stock exhaust at the bubble and welding on chrome tips. Any thoughts?

  15. Thought I would see you down at the Bike night, you hear about Lance?

  16. Thursday works for me!

  17. travel season? where are u traveling to?

  18. true! HAHAHA, thats cool bud just let me know another time

  19. U should be gone by now

  20. Up kinda late tonight bro?!

  21. WASUPBiotch! Nice meeting you this weekend. Tell the "MRS." the same!

  22. we still on for thursday after work? I have the pillow already. Where is that store u said to get the glue from? Hope all is well.

  23. What no response? Now I feel bad

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