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Everything posted by Tbone9191

  1. Think it looks very good. Very up to date.
  2. Great idea. Thanks for the info.
  3. its all I have for right now.
  4. Listen here JAGr ! No I agree there were a few but I couldn't find any with places to see along the wAy. With all do respect, Dick! Remember I am saying with all do respect here. U should come with though for real. Would be a good time
  5. Thinking about just cutting off the stock exhaust at the bubble and welding on chrome tips. Any thoughts?

  6. To anyone who might be interested, you are more than welcome to join me for the trip. You would be on ur own for the ride home because I will be heading to Datona after that but would welcome the company. Just putting it out there.
  7. Great stuff here man. Thanks for the input. I will probably go with the first route. Sounds like what I am looking for.
  8. Yeah I hear it's worth a stop. I am going down to FL on april 12 and think I am going to take the long way and just get there when I get there. Thanks for the route idea IP. Anything between Columbus and there I should make time for?
  9. Anyone taken this trip? Looking for thoughts. Best way to get there, things to see on way and anyother input.
  10. thinking about hitting up the tail of the dragon on this trip... any thoughts?
  11. Hey sounds great I am up for anything
  12. Leaving the morning of April 10th. Let me know if anyone is interested. I am up for anything gave myself two days to get there so I can enjoy the ride and see some sites.
  13. Going down on vacation and to see my family. No one to ride with unfortunately. Would be better I am sure but who rides to FL without a reason?
  14. Thanks moose! You are always so helpful... Unlike some!
  15. Looking for a tall windshield, pegs, saddle bags. List other parts if u have them and who knows I might be interested. Also looking for tank bag
  16. Anyone ever taken this trip? Looking for route ideas and places to see. Taking bike trip in April for vacation
  17. That's cool man. I thought I pissed someone off cause no one was Getting back to me. Hit me up sometime soon. U should have my number. I was thinking about heading down to the bike show this weekend. U going?

  18. What no response? Now I feel bad

  19. With all do respect!

  20. Sorry I missed your call. I tried to hit you up later that same day but got the VM. I will give you a call this week. Hit me up if you think of it. When is the best time to call?

  21. Hope you well man, give me a call sometime. Would like to catch up.

  22. I want to take a wider 52 spoke rim from a Honda VTX 1800 and re-lace it to the stock Shadow Spirit Hub to allow for a wider tire on the rear? Anyone have or know where to find one?
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