4511.55 Operating bicycles and motorcycles on roadway. (B) Persons riding bicycles or motorcycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane, except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or motorcycles. my two buddys and i were riding yesterday. (they only have permits) my one friend and i were side by side....he decided we were turning right w/out me knowing. he said "i turned on my signal and gestured " i saw neither. so as you can guess he turned right into me knocking himself down. after helping him get the bike up and off him, we decide to go ahead and call it in. the osp officer had to call his boss, and between the two of them they decided we both were at fault. myself for "riding to close" and him for "making an illigal turn" but neither of have been cited because they dont know what to do. so im waiting to hear from the lawyer that would reprisent the state against us to see who is at fault. if im legally riding abreast, how am i "riding to close"? i see this as total bs. at the time of the wreck, i was startled unsure if i were at fault, so it was my suggestion to turn it in to my insurence and fix his bike. im not really worried about my bike, i might turn it into a gocart this weekend anyhow. i just dont want to pay a ticket ive never had a wreck on my record and dont want one on it either.....help?