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Everything posted by GreenGene

  1. 2010 Yellowstone excursion - 6,000 miles This was my first long distance trip. Solo. Camping gear, major camera gear, clothes, etc. Doing this again, I think I could cut the amount I carried almost in half. The Wee did fine though, no problems with handling and no hiccups besides losing an ignition key and breaking off my top box key in the lock. Oh, and dropped the bike once on gravel road in the Tetons... and once while parked weird in Cooke City, MT.
  2. http://www.caferacerypsi.com/announcements/56-ton-up-2012-on-june-30th.html Free. I am hoping to ride up there sometime mid-day. Anyone going or been in the last couple of years?
  3. I could come out of "lurking" mode for some Packos and a ride to GR.
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