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Everything posted by grapesmuggler27

  1. Where does it say a law written by the NRA? All I see is the NRA backed the law
  2. I wish the NRA had that sort of power to write and pass laws
  3. I would be more concerned with this http://www.worldtribune.com/2013/04/11/u-s-ships-140000-teargas-canisters-to-egypts-pro-muslim-brotherhood-regime/
  4. Either way I will be on the lookout for cheap 5.56 now
  5. Tell me again what positive affect it will be to dis arm law abiding citizens?
  6. Damn. But if anyone knows where I can get a deal on a m16 let me know I'm interested
  7. So it ok to infringe on my rights? Show me where drugs or bombs are protected my the constitution
  8. His wife knows already he is having a big circle jerk tomorrow at his house
  9. I might swing by depending on what time i get my daughter So I'm iffy
  10. Wish I was closer so I could hook ya up
  11. Sweet looking tent!!! Wanna work a trade for the tent? A serious trade
  12. I still think you coulda got a good bj for that money
  13. And listening to megadeath while
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