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Everything posted by monroedjt

  1. Welcome. Buy a bike now while the prices are still low. When the temp goes up so do the prices. Looking forward to some cleveland rides.
  2. If Budy's is closing, you can always go to O'haras. It has a pool table, bowling machine, good food and cheap beer. Bringing in live stock is extra!!
  3. That's not true. I went down around 70 mph, when a car cut into my lane. It has been about 10 yrs ago now, I tend to forget about it.
  4. Sorry guys. don't wait for me. Wife has cancer and not feeling good today. Hope to meet up another time.
  5. About how many guys are going down with you guys?
  6. I love this show. I watched all last season. Come on, name another show that has bikes, guns, killings, sex, and hot women all in an hour.
  7. The route is on page 4 of this thread. We are taking #2 so we can meet people in Millersburg. Doom has got it worked out so send him a message so we can all meet up and ride in together.
  8. Welcome a few of us NEO riders are heading down to Columbus for the M&G. Your more than welcome to join us.
  9. are you going down? So I will meet everyone at the corner of Rt. 82 and Rt. 83 at 8:00 am. ( Rt.83 is avon lake rd, right?) Who is all going ?
  10. I am thinking about going also. I live in Brunswick, where and what time do you think I should meet you guys?
  11. I work in healthcare and I have been to countless meetings on this topic. People want "national" healthcare like in Canada. Do you know that some people wait months for a surgery? We get people all the time who pay for their own surgery so they do not have to wait. If you really want to reduce healthcare costs, start by limiting the malpractice claims. We waste a ton of money on covering our ass. As for how he plans on paying for this, he will ask every "hard working american" to contribute to the wellfare of every lazy wellfare recipient.
  12. we were either going to the M&G or go down to mid ohio for the grand championships
  13. A couple of friends and I are going for a ride Sunday if you want to go.
  14. That is a SUV. I bought one for my wife and I love to drive it. All wheel drive, all leather, all sweetness. This thing will run over a mini van and get great gas milage.
  15. Sorry to hear that. I am going to try to go to some track days next year. This winter I am going to look for a cheap track bike. I don't want to mess my new R1 up.
  16. I was breathing life into a 56 yr old. She did live!
  17. Sorry to hear that. Are you goin this year?
  18. Junkies? What's wrong with that?
  19. Anyone interested in going to the AMA Grand championships at Mid Ohio next weekend?
  20. I must of just missed you. I got to the mall around 6:40 but I did not see anyone by the front of the mall. So I flew to Mcd's and we left around 7:10. Must of just missed you guys. Maybe another time.
  21. Does anyone meet up at the mall any more. I did not see anyone there and only 1 guy at MD's? Scott it was nice to meet you.
  22. [, where is "there" monro I will meet you guy's at the mall
  23. I will see you there. Do you guys carry your helmets or chain them to your bike?
  24. keep that shit clean. The last thing you want is for that to get infected. just think of it as a good lesson learned and you live to ride another day.
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