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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Pensive front end is pensive
  2. oh8sti


    Price drop - $700 OBO
  3. was the S4 meant to hold you over till this little turd arrived?
  4. bob, that watch is a beaut
  5. oh8sti


    Here you go! http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/fd23ede6.jpg?t=1329842459
  6. oh8sti


    Its all good my man, we have all been there. I may still have it for a while if no one bites, so keep me in mind when/if you want it.
  7. just given you a hard time :masturboy:
  8. thats like running 87 octane in your fire chicken bruh
  9. oh8sti


    make me an offer brosef!
  10. i got one of the nastiest coyote guns(22-250) money can buy for sale on here....just saying.
  11. oh8sti


    Price drop - $750 Bump
  12. video is 32 seconds too long
  13. i went from 185 to 225 in a year, never hit the sauce(Im in college so i had loads of time to lift). Just eat right, sleep, and switch up your workouts. You can never out train a bad diet.
  14. oh8sti


    Hey, didn't see your post. Yeah i might be into trades. What you got?
  15. This isn't an issue of who is right and who is wrong. This is a difference of how I was raised and my experiences in life that has given me a slightly more mature stance on women and what's important in life. If this offends you, which apparently it does, that is not my fault. I'll be honest, I did come out in a way that was attacking to you, but in the process have exposed the real reasoning behind your fascination of Kim K that just makes you look like an idiot. I wouldn't bother answering me in this thread or at all, because I won't see it.
  16. I mean look at the thread! It seems like you have a deep frustration with your life not being adequate enough and the need to feel it with frivolous pursuits with some "hot" celebrity.
  17. That's the difference between you and I. You have this celebrity fantasy about going on a date with her to brag on Facebook. I do not. I brought it up to prove a point. You care about her status, I do not. The reason is because I see it all the time. My perspective is completely different than yours.
  18. Im telling that your wrong. I give 0 fucks about celeb status. Im around them all the time with my current job. It means absolutely nothing to me and aside from her celeb status that seems to fog your lens, she is just not attractive to me. A HUGE part of what attracts me to a girl is her personality and i can tell you right now i want no part of her. I value my own reputation more than hers. Being associated to her or that family in anyway would be a monumental mistake on just about anyone that respects themselves and their own family. Ill stick to the women i find attractive and find real value in, you can beat it to Kim K's cottage cheese ass all day.
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